shortcut alts through campaign option.

From the start I thought being locked to one ascendancy was insane. The fact you have to do 6 hrs of campaign for each new ascendancy not even class is ludicrous.

my suggestion is:
1) only have to do act 1-3 One time on alts. then get an option to skip to endgame (to be able to do maps definition of endgame) or continuing the campaign for those that like it.

2)Add an achievement for beating campaign. then you could add a campaign skip item for alts for X amount of gold.

2) on top of 1) or 2) id ask you heavily reconsider not being able to change between a classes ascendancies, like poe1 it allowed not only a lot of variability and class diversity. It also protects people when classes are buffed or nerfed to change builds without completely rerolling and having to do campaign again.
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 1:30:49 AM
after reading my post about campaign skip token after your main has completed it. id even be happy being X exalted or seriously even a div not to have to do it again.
Yeah... Though, I think the better solution to this would be to make the campaign leveling process feel more engaging and rewarding. In my opinion, PoE2 is far from getting that balance right.
I understand why all those systems are in place in a full release game (I don't necessarily AGREE with all the restrictions but I understand the "vision")

But when there's so little to the game as it stands and ideally we'd have more often changes....

It sucks bad that our choices are so restricted, for no real benefit
Stryfer#0953 wrote:
Yeah... Though, I think the better solution to this would be to make the campaign leveling process feel more engaging and rewarding. In my opinion, PoE2 is far from getting that balance right.

I think that's what they tried to do with poe2. The thing is though not everyone enjoys campaigns so having to do it once is enough. By at least giving people the option to skip on alts if they don't like the campaign would alleviate this.
I think that's what they tried to do with poe2. The thing is though not everyone enjoys campaigns so having to do it once is enough. By at least giving people the option to skip on alts if they don't like the campaign would alleviate this.

The keyword here being "tried". I don't think they succeeded yet, but that doesn't mean it's not possible.

As an example, something in Diablo 2 managed to keep an entire fandom engaged for 20+ years when there was no endgame at all, no skipping and with dozens of clones popping up not a few years later.

Having played through that campaign hundreds of times, the progression does feel a lot better. PoE2, on the other hand, has better bosses, better class and skill systems, better combat overall... Just in general, it's improved on nearly every aspect in the genre... But it's still missing a glue and the right balance, I think.

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