Hi. I really like what your game has to offer.
The last two patches have turned the Xbox version of the game from quite good for EA, to totally unplayable My game has crashed more since the update and map tab purchase yesterday than it has in the previous two and a half months since release I’ve got my settings turned down to bilinear with shadows and dynamic culling to try and maintain 30 fps during breaches or boss fights, sadly even these measures have little if any effect. Last night while fighting the copper citadel boss my game lagged and POOF I’m dead. Literally zero visual clues as to what hit me. This same thing happens almost every time I fight the breach boss I don’t scour your patch notes or forums but I’m getting concerned that the console experience seems to be degrading with every patch and I’ve not heard anyone from your company mention console optimization even once. I can run similarly intense content on other games without issue. No lagging, no crashing, no mysterious deaths If this game is to be a success on console then it needs to perform similarly to the pc version that I see all the streamers playing. The lack of progress towards this end and lack of communication from you guys about it is rather worrying for ppl like me who’ve spent over $100 on POE2 and are now left with an unplayable game Considering that EA access is equally priced for PC and console it really shouldn’t be too much to expect an equal playing experience Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 1:21:07 AM
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Try resetting gfx settings to default, then set renderer to FSR (as our consoles are AMD based) and no upscaling (unneeded on X as it’s already 4K and to much load on the S).
No other changes, give that a go. (ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division) Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 18, 2025, 1:21:37 AM
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