50 maps = ZERO DIVINES, why?!

Dear GGG,

Why did the divines stop falling? Tested for 1 weeks 50 maps (15-16) = 0 zero divines. Why?

Playing alone. Rarity 173% if it works at all.

There is no way to play with in packs with friends. Everyone left because lack of content and resources are not dropping!

Why is this not fair? Solo or in a team equally should drop resources!!! This is the resources, they need to at least somehow to craft, not to save divines! You control the emission, and it seems that you deliberately makes rare resources for greedy players who RMT!!!!

Realize at last, resources should not be rare! They should be used as often as possible!

Please wake up, otherwise you will be sitting with a bunch of greedy players who are RMT. Casual and solo players have already left in huge numbers! More people play for recreation, for the soul, for interest, not for feeding RMT! - Which you only contribute to, stifling the emission, creating daily inflation!

Best regards.
Last edited by Dimmaser#8947 on Feb 17, 2025, 5:53:42 PM
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 5:55:39 PM
In before the trolls arrive to declare that you are a bad player who doesn't deserve to get any loot.

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