Punishing loot sorting in act 3 / Annoying time portal behavior

Well so far I must say I am really enjoying the game, nearly flawless experience so far! Everything feels good, the game is hard but rewarding, I feel like I have to earn my loot but I am getting enough orb drops and such that I feel comfortable trying to craft gear even early on, which is nice!


Having said all that, I ran into something that was really stupid. I got all the way to the last boss of Act 3, Doryani, and when I got there my inventory was mostly full of loot. I beat him, and he dropped his loot, and I picked up what I could, figuring I would come back for the rest. So I ported back and clicked on the time portal just like I've had to do all along to go back to town to vendor and stash loot, and instead it shoved me right into the start of Cruel with a full inventory! So I fought my way all the way to the camp, killed the Miller, he dropped his loot, I couldn't pick up any of it at all, I went into the camp, and the door back out sealed behind me! Forcing me to pass up on an entire boss drop worth of loot!

Honestly, the behavior with the time portal in general is a bit annoying that I have to click it and go back every time I need to clear my inventory. There should be a vendor and stash access on both sides of the portal, and that would solve all of this.

And while I am on the subject of clearing my inventory, the act 3 trial, the Trial of Chaos, there should be some way to access my stash between rooms. I found myself with a full inventory almost every time I finished it and it dropped the reward loot at the end.
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 1:45:09 PM

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