Add 40/40 Challenges for MTX per big update (0.2 for example aka leagues)

A part of poe1 i really enjoyed doing is 40/40 challenges to earn mtx. Its a great endgame task other than making a powerful build to grind towards and be rewarded, its also enticing to players who may have stopped playing to return to the new update to play alongside the new content within the game.

We have no idea when PoE2 is going to leave EA it could be 2 years from now with how much content is missing from the game and to miss out on challenge grinding for that long feels like a huge part of the game that i enjoy from poe1 missing from poe2.
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 9:27:18 AM
I disagree.
Last edited by Climet#7103 on Feb 17, 2025, 5:24:40 AM
Climet#7103 wrote:
I disagree.

you have 40/40 lol wdym?
Climet#7103 wrote:
I disagree.

you have 40/40 lol wdym?

That 40/40 is, as is mine, from the PoE1 Settlers 3.25 league.
It would be nice that if over the duration of EA there is a challenge ladder to complete, maybe a special Silver (rather than typical golden) trophy totem and some minor mtx as a ‘thank you’ to us ‘beta testers’ that stick with the entire EA ‘experience’.

A really cool idea for the final EA 40/40 would be a Xesht statue to go with the ones from the supporter packs.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 17, 2025, 5:42:32 AM
IF they have nothing else to do, and I doubt that, then yes... challenges would be cool, but that's literally the lowest of my priorities.
IF they have nothing else to do, and I doubt that, then yes... challenges would be cool, but that's literally the lowest of my priorities.

i doubt adding challenges would take much work to implement as it already exists in poe1
IF they have nothing else to do, and I doubt that, then yes... challenges would be cool, but that's literally the lowest of my priorities.

i doubt adding challenges would take much work to implement as it already exists in poe1

Not the challenges, but the rewards. Creating new cosmetics ... idk. I guess the artists are working on something more important atm.
IF they have nothing else to do, and I doubt that, then yes... challenges would be cool, but that's literally the lowest of my priorities.

i doubt adding challenges would take much work to implement as it already exists in poe1

Not the challenges, but the rewards. Creating new cosmetics ... idk. I guess the artists are working on something more important atm.

that makes sense i see what you mean, at the same time i presume the art department has a bunch of pre made comsetics not attached to defualt/unique gear for supporter packs or scrapped mtx that could easily be used from months prior.
IF they have nothing else to do, and I doubt that, then yes... challenges would be cool, but that's literally the lowest of my priorities.

Agreed, it would be a bonus rather than something important for sure.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Yea personnaly I want GGG to work on fixing a whole lot of stuff before adding such side stuff.

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