XP Penalty consequences

I left the game this saturday, my brother left as well after lossing 10% exp at lvl 96.

Today I saw a patch, I was waiting for some good news about removing the xp penalty or news about these end game problems. Sadly was just a map tab which I don't care cause I'm not playing anymore.

you people were right, you can feel the CONSEQUENCES of death on the game, but like the real death itself , you are not coming back to the world, like I'm not coming back to your game, very realistic experience, Bravo.
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 2:07:32 AM
I uninstalled as well after lvl 92, I can only imagine how 96 feels. Late endgame is just a boring tedious grind. Might have kept playing if item drops and crafting weren't complete trash, at least then I would have felt like I was progressing towards something for my character.

Charging 120 for map stash tabs after having to buy several premiums is just salt in the wound and makes me not even want to re-install even if they get rid of xp penalty.
after lossing 10% exp

Only noobs lose 10% xp.
Simple measures makes you lose only 2.5% xp.
Pros don't lose xp at all.
MagosX#1099 wrote:
after lossing 10% exp

Only noobs lose 10% xp.
Simple measures makes you lose only 2.5% xp.
Pros don't lose xp at all.

Yeah everyone knows about omens. No one's keeping a stash of them on hand for 120+ ex each.

The only point of your post is to stroke your own ego and it just makes you look extremely pathetic
MagosX#1099 wrote:
after lossing 10% exp

Only noobs lose 10% xp.
Simple measures makes you lose only 2.5% xp.
Pros don't lose xp at all.

Omens are for the weak. I don't think the penalties are severe enough, so I imposed my own.

First, I have go out on a juiced map and intentionally die, so now I've lost 20% xp and two maps w/mods. Then, I disenchant a random piece of gear, which I can only replace if I run five more maps without dying again. Finally, I get my wife to slap me in the face.

If I keep dying, I will keep adding punishments. No risk, no reward!


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