SCROLL of Wisdom

why the helling heck i am forced to buy 1 by 1, when you could add a Pack of 40 units to buy.. It is very unpleasant to keep clicking to buy this, when it is something used a lot in the game.. Not to mention the fact that it destroys the Mouse/Controller button (especially if you are in a hurry)

please GGG listen my question ! ! ! !
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 6:28:51 PM
Ctrl+Shift+Click (I don't know if there is a corresponding combination on the controller)
There's none as far as I know on console so... Yea we need the option to buy them in bulk.
1) As people already mentioned, there's a hotkey combination to buy a stack of scrolls at once. Buy maye 10-20 stacks for gold at an NPC and you're good for a while

Edit: removed a suggestion as it might be against ToS :'(
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 15, 2025, 6:33:05 PM
why not just give a unique quest for a infinite stack. running to dobyani or endlessly clicking scroll with gamepad is utter nonsense. you did it with tps no do it with ids.

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