Can we get gem level max upped past 40

Just traded for a prism of belief only to find out i was already at level 40 so its not doing much for me.
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 6:03:05 PM
It's possible to reach that level? Shouldn't be able with 99.99% of build tought. So I don't think it's a problem that need to be reviewed atm.
No. There has to be a level cap. 40 is it.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Mash the clean
Just because it doesn't effect you doesn't mean its not an issue
right, let's increase the resist cap to 100% then because it's obviously possible to get to 75%.
The concept of "balance" eludes you.
Just because it doesn't effect you doesn't mean its not an issue

I'll uno reverse that statement. Just because it only affect you doesn't mean it's an issue.
I mean, softcap is 20 and hardcap is 40 for reasons you don't need to understand.

Why is it an issue for you that they capped it? Because you could go above?
Well, that's why there is a cap - so you can't.
So you can understand how ridiculous asking for more power is. Some build can already deal with pinnacle boss, the hardest content of the game, within second. And you want more? Especially since GGG dev have stated that they want to go with a slower, more balanced approach?

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