Please, please please fix boss phasing. Jamanra and Geonor specifically. Horrible experience.

If you do enough damage to make these bosses go into their second phase, I dunno... faster than the game wants you too, they just continue to do abilities for an extended period of time without being damagable. You can't leech from them, hits don't really count, it absolutely SUCKS to lose a citadel because you were unable to move out of the way of some ability going off from a boss you KILLED 20 seconds ago.

I am fuming over two lost Copper citadels back to back. He spawns his little electro-slow totems right underneath me and my potion can't out-regen their damage.

I beat this portion of the fight. It took me 3 seconds. It should not continue for another 10 with an essentially untargetable boss. Ridiculous.

Absolutely ridiculous. I am so mad. It took me hours and hours and hours to get to those citadels. My last 2 days of play time. For his stupid totems to eat through my 30k EHP in seconds while I couldn't do anything but run.

Absolutely ridiculous.
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 2:31:28 PM
Sounds like you have a bad build. Try a guide for the meta builds like a Titan.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the content of this post.

Crit Invoker with 1800hp/4400 ES, capped res, 80% eva and 70% phys reduction. 2M DPS or so. Build is fine.

The way these boss fights function, is not.

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