T15 Drop Rate and Engame Difficulty


nearly everyone should be able to sustain T15 maps.

i'm being accused of trolling here, but i genuinely find this thread confusing. you have problem with running t14's once in a blue moon because you get a dry spell? i find t15's to be very plentiful and personally would like them to be rare so they could feel like a treat. something you could use on your juiced content.
ppl often call poe2, poe1 ruthless, but in ruthless map sustain would take you from high red maps to yellow or even white- this was the major problem with that mode, it made it very unpopular even with the ppl that liked it in general
AintCare#6513 wrote:

nearly everyone should be able to sustain T15 maps.

i'm being accused of trolling here, but i genuinely find this thread confusing. you have problem with running t14's once in a blue moon because you get a dry spell? i find t15's to be very plentiful and personally would like them to be rare so they could feel like a treat. something you could use on your juiced content.
ppl often call poe2, poe1 ruthless, but in ruthless map sustain would take you from high red maps to yellow or even white- this was the major problem with that mode, it made it very unpopular even with the ppl that liked it in general

You are a bit abrupt and assumptive, but it takes all kinds. I don't mind it and I welcome your feedback. I get where you're coming from, wanting some stuff to feel like a treat. In general I'd like to see some things done to bolster new player retention because the POEs are such interesting games. In POE 1 I only made a couple characters that were strong enough to tackle some of the difficult content that I see the really great players take on. It really felt like an accomplishment.

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