Not getting any currencies drops in endgame

Loving the game allot!
I have one big issue tho.
from all the hours i have bein playing my minon witch, all throut the campaign and the far into the end game, killing pinnacle bosses and clearing endgame breaches with high quantity+ items and quality of items dropped+, i only gett regal shards as drops currencie wise... i feel something is wrong.
it does not matter what i do if put delirum on it or anything.
BUT... as son as i join my friends maps exalted orbs and above start dropping.
its like my character is locked out or something.
Please iv spent countless of hours grinding thinking soon i will hit that threshold and orbs will start to dropp. but still nothing.
Is there somthing i missed?

And this is from maps. if i play the chaos trials, vaal orb and chaos orbs drop.
But never in maps.

For there record, im at 170+ Magic find and i have eaven played maps with tripple tower buffs on nodes with a super jucied up map.
still not a singel drop.

Rolled a archer the other day, exalts droped from the first boss of act 2.

Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 5:39:53 PM
message ggg support and ask if your drops are limited by them intentionally cause of suspected botting or something.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Dude it's RNG. Because I had the same thing happen. I had days where I had literally no drops. And then 1 map I had 2 divines drop back to back. And now I am back to having no drops for the past few days. The RNG in this game is insane and very inconsistent.

40 ritual maps with multiple rerolls and not a single audience.
Only streamers are allowed to get drops.

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