I dont think Players want Graphics given priority over visibility

I have noticed in many games over the recent years. Many studios are focusing on fancy graphics and insane shadows, on realism. I dont think graphical fidelity should be prioritized over visibility of skills and enemies.

First time i had an issue with this was back when Call of Duty MW 2019 released. The Graphics were great, but in my opinion too good. Because they were hiding enemies. Especially shadows did that. That made it harder to notice enemies.

In POE 2 its a similar problem, but also different. It seems POE 2 prioritizes skills looking good over skills being visible to the Player. Sometimes its also the exact opposite. Skill are too much and the particles are hiding half the screen.

Then we have the Delirium Fog. First the performance of the fog is horrible and second it can literally hide skills and whole enemies. Making it harder to see the enemy.

Then you have telegraphing of skills. To look better some skills probably have less telegraphing to make them look better. Its just a guess i dont know that.

I dont think many players prefer better visuals when in tern they have issues actually seeing the enemies. The delirium Fog basically negates the whole graphical fidelity cause everything turns gray and you can barely see map anymore. So why make the map look good when in the whole endgame you cant see it.
Its hilarious.
Last edited by Alzucard#2422 on Feb 14, 2025, 12:40:57 PM
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 11:44:24 AM
I don't mind the fancy looks, as long as I can adjust their transparency. We badly need a slider or something. If not, ya, at the very least a 2nd pass at the visual clutter is needed.
I agree. The visual clarity needs some sort of resolution. Allies abilities and minions shouldn't detract from your visibility or give us an option to hide ally minions/abilities.

Stuff like green circles on green floors shouldn't be a thing either.

To me, being unable to see what's hitting you or what's going on makes the game unplayable and should be a top priority.

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