Puppeteer feedback for a Popcorn Zombie build

Hi i play popcorn build since 3.23 and i want to give feedback about what Zombie Popcorn should look like and what problems it have right now.

For a popcorn build u want to scale minion level and minion life.
Right now in 3.25 we can easely reach 500k HP minion
The best 2 minion rn to use are :
- SRS of Enormity because it give 100% crit chance on minion instability.
- Dark Marionette because it revive automaticaly, have scorch and a lot of HP.

The ground effect from the siegebreaker belt dont stack / overlap but help on the map clear.
For boss i do a darkness enthroned switch

The node Graveyard Shift is not good for popcorn build.

Using corpse skill on your minion is bad because MI and Bodysawp of sacrifice exist. Corpse skill use on average 10% of minion life as based damage where u want at least 30% of minion life as base dmg

Another problem is monster who use detonate dead (like in strongbox) gonna be scary

And finnaly it dont let us use Offering which are essential buff for minion build and a solution for minion (and us) to reach block cap

One other problem with Popcorn Zombie is how u scale the dmg.
The montregul grasp unique give more physical damage and an explosion but dont trigger on MI or other similar effect.
It only trigger on melee attack of the zombie
Without this effect its worse than a +2 minion wand

Raise zombie is overall worse than dark marionette and dont scale as well as SRS

The only physical popcorn skill available is the Affliction skill from the Selfish Shepperd ring
It give us a good life degen, good life regen and a 50% minion life explosion.

The 2 fix i would like is to remove the zombie count as corpse on the ascendancy node and fix the explosion from montregul grasp to trigger from secondary hit

Hope u can make some change before league start
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 1:19:51 AM
Yes please remove Zombies Count As Corpses
It is your own damn fault...
You covered this well and I have seen this all over reddit too. I hope GGG does something about this. It not only bricks your own potential zombies build, but if you have teammates using anything that consumes corpses they can brick your build. I had several builds lined up with my friend who wanted to use this until we realized it wouldn't work. I have flesh offering which would consume his zombies and DD enemies/boxes would also kill his zombies.

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