Corrupted Waystones

Not sure if others feel the same, or If I have had aweful RNG, but after corrupting 15 wasystones (all at 6 mod), with 4 going to T16, but for the rest, all are still 6 mod, but all 6 are the bad Suffix mods (monster buffs/player nerfs) with no good prefix mods (Quality/Quantity etc).

Its an expensive exercise with a Trans, Aug, Regal, 2 Exalts and a Vaal to get there, and then I keep dying due to the bad mods, so no juiced map, little drops and no XP (luckily I had just gone to lvl90 so no real xp loss as I am at the start of the lvl anyway).

Feeling frustrated.
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 10:32:21 AM
All suffix mod waystones have their purposes. Like for Citadels where the higher your Waystone chance the higher your Fragment chance. At 600%+ you might get 3 Fragments, so all suffix waystones are kinda great
So to get this straight, on an all suffix Waystone, that bumps up the Waystone Drop chance %? I was not aware of that.
I don't even bother wasting my time with trans, aug, regal and ex, I simply slam an alch on them (if they're not rare already) and then vaal it.

That being said, it's always a good idea to either have multiple chars that work on the atlas so you can run the waystones that would kill one char with one of the others. Alternatively, play an infernalist minion build, they can take on practically anything (although burning ground is still a giant pain in the ass).
When I was unable to run the 6 suffix maps after vaal'ing I used to sell them for 45ex or so. It was my 2nd most preferred vaal'ing result.
So to get this straight, on an all suffix Waystone, that bumps up the Waystone Drop chance %? I was not aware of that.

Yeah, on waystones, all the prefix modifiers are benefits like more monsters, more quantity of items, more rarity, etc. Suffix are all negatives like monsters having more damage, more defenses, etc, and they contribute to waystone drop chance.

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