Map Layout Feedback

Hey GGG,

This feedback pertains to map layout enjoyment. The more I think about it, and run maps, the more I realize the 1 main thing that could increase enjoyment for all of the mapping for me. It is this one simple rule > if you can run into a wall, it should be obvious in the graphics / terrain.

For example; some people say they don't like Crypt. I actually very much enjoy running through Crypt - the main reason being is I know which direction I can actually move the whole time. There is no artificial "stun" anywhere in that map that is actually just you running into the wall. The other side of this coin; Blooming Field, this map should just be more open. There are these weeds that are not obvious walls all throughout. It's so annoying running into them, then you think youre being stunned.. nope just a weed wall that I HAVE to look at my mini map to even know is a wall.

Thanks for reading!
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 8:44:30 AM
Wait, you look at your game?

I think I've only looked at the game in SOME zones in PoE 1's campaign.
Aside from that, all the hundreds of hours I played it, I had 90% of my attention on the overlay map.
Playing without it is nearly impossible if you don't want to run into impassable terrain nor you want to take an obviously bad turn that will lead you to backtracking.
In case of PoE 2, it's true for basically the whole game except the literal first zone of Act 1 (which is a linear beach).

I still don't understand why GGG doesn't make more linear layouts with little to no backtracking so that it won't require you to use your overlay map so much.
And no, it won't take the fun away from mapping. Forcing players to look at an overlay map that only adds to the clutter on screen doesn't make it any more enjoyable, it makes it less enjoyable.

E.g.: why people hate Augury so much? It has one of the best layouts, it only needs a couple tweaks to become good in itself:
1) Remove the levers to open the middle area
2) Make the middle part connect to the last section of the square
Optional: make connections between rooms bigger

Sure, the map layout sucks for Breach, but IMO that's a huge fail on the Breach mechanic relying on your map being a huge open square
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 14, 2025, 5:13:48 AM
I dont mind Augury actually too much. Again same reason as my first post, if there is a wall, you know there is a wall. If you save your breaches for after you open the middle it's not too bad to get around at all. I would be for the levers being faster though, maybe a switch instead of a lever.. feel like the lever animation is cool for when youre in the campaign and pushing the story, but it's just too long for endgame mapping.

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