GGG a possible solution to all problems

Reading trough the forum I see the community being spilt up over different aspect of the game same as it was in PoE 1 (to lose or not to lose XP on death, drop is to high or too low, etc.).

The root of this problem is that not all players are the same and everyone expect a different thing from the game.

For the hardcore players the endgame is to easy and they want it harder, for casuals is an unpassable stonewall and they will never experience some of the aspects of that endgame because is to hard, and for those in between that consider the game ok as it is.

I think you all agree that this 3 categories cover all the player base and GGG is more that capable to determine how many of which are out there.

And in the moment you press create new character the problem appear.

You are presented with only two options (Standard and Hardcore) instead of three because for casuals even standard may prove an insurmountable challenge not necessary from the difficulty point of view but also from the time and resources that are needed to invest in the game.

I myself have played hundred of hours in PoE2 (i have 3 chars lvl 90) and thousand of hours in PoE1 across different leagues because is a beautiful game but i never got to experience any real endgame aspect beyond normal mapping because amount of time required to farm currency and items that you need for that content at least for me is not realistic. It seams more that a part-time job not a fun recreative activity.

Is hard to want to spend time and money (i know money is not a requirement for PoE but is a way to show appreciation for the developer effort to create and maintain the game and I have that appreciation), when after lvl 85-90 1 death may cost you the XP you gained in a week, or when you see on trade that the item you require to boost just a little bit your combat capabilities cost 100-150 divines and on average you farm 1 divine/ day.

All this makes you not want to try new leagues, new characters and builds because you know it will lead you to no ware, after the campaign and few maps you will just hit a wall that the amount of time you can invest in the game will not help you pass.

Sorry for the long presentation now to the real proposal:

Present us with a third option when creating our bellowed characters CASUAL

What exactly CASUAL will mean if will ever be implemented is another discussion (lower dmg from mobs, higher drop rates, or higher drop rates for actual good items or maybe much higher drop rates but make if SSF only ) just offer us a opportunity for the casual players to enjoy every aspect of the game.

This way the purist will still have the game in its current state but you will also make every aspect of it more appealing to more of us.

Also as a general suggestion you should include much more of the relevant info or actions required for the game IN the actual game (trade, crafting info, stats info, loot info etc) because all this aspects are also REQUIRED to attain endgame and you start from lvl 1-50 when you spend 90% of the time in game and 10% time outside the game for maybe a build search or a little trade to lvl 80+ when you stat spending 20% of the time in game and 80% outside the game trying to trade or find info about what stat will improve your build or what item or what drops where (all of this resources and apps and loot filters also not being disponible to console players)
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 5:12:10 AM

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