Got To Talk About Stat Rolls and Balance Issues
Game just rolled 2-3 cold damage on a level 62 bow with an exalted orb (bad stat rolls beyond hundreds of times so far). Can this game have a limit to how low stats can roll on higher level gear? The most irritating experience that makes you want to question the very person who made the in-game crafting feature.
Really want POE2 to improve, I like this game but man there are some serious problems that need to be addressed with funky balancing issues that irritate me. Make the game more appealing by being in favor of the Player as they progress or people are going to dip. Bad stats on an item are to be expected. However, low stat rolls on higher tier items that could have potentially been good is like getting slapped in the face twice by bad game design. I have a level 75 witch with a level 55 unique wand because higher level rare wand damage potential for spells reached a cap and is not worth using, I wish it was. As a ARPG that has lot's of potential, I can't recommended POE2 right now. Class building shines, story is interesting and then you run into balancing issues when it comes to items that are just not in favor of the Player but instead poorly randomized in such a manner it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 1:27:40 AM
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New to the game?
I suggest you never use your orbs in gear. Use them to trade for the gear you want. You'll almost never find something on the ground and mod it successfully for your own character. And after every upgrade, it gets harder and harder. Modding items in PoE is even worse than you perceived: high tier mods have a lower base-chance of being rolled than the other tiers. Let's say you have a lvl 86 bow. "Added #-# cold damage" mods have 10 tiers. The highest tier doesn't have a 10% chance of being rolled (1 in 10). As mod tiers go higher, their weight in the mod table goes down. Here you can see the Bow mods for PoE 1 Here are the prefixes: ![]() Clicking on any mod type opens a pop-up. The red numbers on the right show the weight for each mod to roll. ![]() Each weight is evaluated across the whole table, with preexisting mods in your bow blocking/removing some mods from the table. So let's say you have a bow with added fire damage and added lightning damage. This removes a total of around 23k weight from the table (2x 11,536, the red numbers beside those two mods in the first image) The odds you get at a max tier cold damage mod on your lvl 86 bow is around like 0.38%: 126 weight for T10 mod in 33.6k total remaining weight for prefixes. The 33.6k comes from subtracting the previously calculated 23k from the total of 56.6k (you can see the total on the last line of the first image). The odds are worse if you use your exalt on a bow with more suited mods for your cold damage, since "+% elemental damage" mods are less weighted (1.8k total weight instead of 11.5k), therefore they remove less weight from the overall prefix table. These values are from PoE 1, but PoE 2 very likely follows a similar rule. You can see the Bow mods here: The odds might be better because there are less possible mods, but that's an assumption, since all that determines your odds are mod weights Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 12, 2025, 7:11:06 AM
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" This is one decent thread from all the crying ones I have seen. You are absolutely right. GGG should fix or try to make the stat rolls slightly better. My Experience so far as stated below T 15, T 16, T 17 and T 18s They are still dropping a ton of crapped modded gears and I meant really crappy ones that you use for Normal Campaign but on an Expert Base. It is not until I start to instill my Maps and do at least T 16 plus that I can see that some of the mods that my drops have started to get slightly decent. But in order to do those Delirious T 16+ maps , you need to have a fair amount of upgrades to make it doable. I have a easier time with my crappy self found Invoker on Level 1 - level 3 Xesht than a Delirious T 16 map at times. Which at times is well founded, but if I am going to do a map with such difficult rolls, at the very least don't make me pick up a weapon which 80% of the time roll 1-3 Cold Damage Mods, Light Radius, low tier crit hit or 30% to Physical damage mods. It is annoying asf. Rampage IGN : Cool_Hamster
Standard IGN : Hamsterbaby Standard IGN : HamsterMfer Please do not hesitate to contact me in game if you have posted or offered on my items. Regards |
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" I think this is an interesting commentary on the game in general. Essentially what you are saying is that it’s not designed to be a loot and crafting game, so don’t look for that core ARPG expectation and experience. It’s really a trading game. Kind of wish I knew that before investing 100 hours. In no way am I disagreeing with you, but you’ve helped me rationalize what the POE experience is vs what I’d have expected. The question I have is, what was the developers intent? |
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" Their intent is to sell as many support packs as possible in first week or two into season and then they don't care if you play or not. |
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" I stopped using the word "crafting" for PoE exactly because it's not crafting. It's just gambling, except your odds of winning are WAY worse than at a casino. I started using the word "modding" to avoid triggering PoE fans and inviting hate towards me for free. About what you commented: 1) No, PoE is not a loot and crafting game. I mean, it is, but only for streamers and people that can afford to play literally 5+ hours every day for 2+ weeks at league launches. Even the very good SSF streamers like Zizaran are pretty restricted on which builds they can play because of how low the odds of looting and crafting gear for a specific character are. They usually start with a "wildcard" build that can get very far with little "investment", then their next characters are restricted to what good gear they are able to loot and craft along the way. The odds you drop a good item for your own character with open affixes are already extremely low (0.1% - 1%). On top of that, adding a decent mod for your build via crafting has another 2-5% chance after that fact. So yeah, after a certain point, the odds you successfully drop and then craft a single gear piece for you are extremely low. In PoE 1 there are a few things that improve your odds, but IMO they're still light years away of being good enough to allow us to use the word "crafting" for it. 2) THIS is what the developers intended. In fact, my calculations used PoE 1's odds. PoE 2 has arguably better odds, but it also has less loot. So I guess it evens out. The devs also implemented better crafting options in the past as a league mechanic in PoE 1, but for some reason they severely nerfed it. I think they did comment on why, I just can't bother to look up the explanation because I know it's usually related to some BS about their game design "vision". I believe/hope that, given a bit of time, money and luck, games like Last Epoch will eventually become the "new PoE" and will bring ARPGs to a new level Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 12, 2025, 3:24:56 PM
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" Loot cannot take an arpg to a new level. Combat can - and POE2 succeeded at first but stumbled. |
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" Agreed with all you’ve stated. What’s interesting to me is how focused the game play is on essentially requiring people to trade, how poor the trading system is. Also it completely ignores the primary psychology that draws in what I at least thought to be the majority of the ARPG fanbase which is reward based loot grind. The bummer is that PoE2, IMO, has fantastic ARPG graphics, player control mechanics etc that exceed the competition like D4. For me, the hunt continues in finding a game that has the graphics and controls POE2 has with itemization that Grim Dawn and D2 has. I will be checking in though as I’m not 100% convinced that the negatives we are feeling now are matching the final vision…wishful thinking perhaps, but time will tell. Last edited by Crispy2083#6678 on Feb 12, 2025, 3:51:39 PM
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Loot and crafting are fundamentally broken due to poor game design and horrible RNG. It's asinine that low level modifiers even roll on high level base items. This should never happen. I've yet to successfully find an item that was useful to me, let alone successfully craft an item useful for me with over 900 hours played. We need better quality of loot drops and their rolls. We need deterministic crafting. Loot drops and crafting in POE2 are horrible at best.
If I wanted to gamble I'd go to a Las Vegas casino. At least there, I know I will actually win something. Last edited by Renegade_Archer#1313 on Feb 12, 2025, 4:10:52 PM
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" Nailed it! |
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