Face to Face Trading is the Worst Part of this Game.

Current Issues with Trading

As a Buyer:

1. When I whisper 10 sellers, only 2 or 3 respond.

2. High-value items like Morior Invictus Grand Regalia (for attributes and resistance) and attributes amulets attract scammers. I have to double or even triple-check the items placed in the trade window.

3. I must visit the seller’s hideout every time I want to make a purchase.

As a Seller:

1. I need to teleport back to town or my hideout, even when I’m engaged in content like Breach or Pinnacle Bosses.

2. Some buyers change the price in their whispered messages, so I must carefully check every trade request.

3. Finding an item in my stash can be frustrating, especially in quad stash tabs, where small items like rings, amulets, and jewels are difficult to locate—even with the purple highlight.

4. I have to double-check the currency buyers put in the trade window to avoid mistakes or scams.

Overall, the face-to-face trading system is tedious and inconvenient for both buyers and sellers.

Suggested Auction House System
Instead of the buyout one everyone mentions, I propose an auction-based trading system with a tender offer function alongside the buyout option.

How It Works:

1. Sellers set a time period for their auctions:
Options could include 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 24 hours.

2. Buyers place hidden bids, meaning no one sees what others have offered.
Each buyer can only bid once, preventing last-minute bid sniping.

3. Sellers set a reserve price (minimum price they are willing to accept).
If the highest bid meets or exceeds the reserve price, the item is sold to that bidder.

4. If no bid reaches the reserve price, the item remains unsold.

A seller lists an item for 30 minutes with a reserve price of 5 Divine Orbs (5D).
If the highest bid is 7D, the bidder wins the item.
If the highest bid is 4D, the item remains unsold.
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 8:56:25 AM
Generally trade in PoE2 is bad idea. It`s destroy joy of gaming.
Suggested Auction House System
Instead of the buyout one everyone mentions, I propose an auction-based trading system with a tender offer function alongside the buyout option.

How It Works:

1. Sellers set a time period for their auctions:
Options could include 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 24 hours.

2. Buyers place hidden bids, meaning no one sees what others have offered.
Each buyer can only bid once, preventing last-minute bid sniping.

3. Sellers set a reserve price (minimum price they are willing to accept).
If the highest bid meets or exceeds the reserve price, the item is sold to that bidder.

4. If no bid reaches the reserve price, the item remains unsold.

A seller lists an item for 30 minutes with a reserve price of 5 Divine Orbs (5D).
If the highest bid is 7D, the bidder wins the item.
If the highest bid is 4D, the item remains unsold.

That kind of auction system is not good. I know because I've played games that had similar systems.

1) This kind of system creates a bid war at the last seconds before the auctions end and it's an awful experience for buyers. It's even worse with blind bidding.

2) Searching in this system is bad. No one places bids on auctions that aren't close to ending. This means new auction postings are basically only clutter. Auctions only really last for 0-2 minutes at most

3) People never re-post their 34 cheap 3ex items every day (or every 30 minutes).

The system you suggested is worse than the current trading in all aspects both for sellers and for buyers.
It promotes inflation, it's arguably more cumbersome and the end-to-end process takes longer than what we currently have.

We don't need to reinvent the wheel.

Just "port" the trade website to an in-game interface and allow people to automatically buy from within that interface: item goes from seller's tab to buyer's inventory. Currency is automatically moved from buyer's currency tab to seller's currency tab.
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 11, 2025, 7:45:27 AM
agreed. I dont think blind bidding is a good alternative.
Last edited by RicePattiexP#9250 on Feb 11, 2025, 7:49:44 AM
Current trading is the #1 reason I keep quitting on all my chars.
I am fed up of wasting hours and hours messaging people to get zero response.
When I /whois I can see they are not in their hideout so I wait until they are and still get ignored.

Hell I even had 1 seller post another item I was after and then ignore my requests to buy either/both and carry on playing.
THIS happens ALL the time in my experience.
It absolutely sucks and I understand that the sucks part is actually directly tied to the players that ignore trade offers.

There is NO WAY to combat this and the whole experience just makes me not want to play at all.

Bloody good luck solving any of these issues.
Run an eBay business and I treat trading in game the same way. I get a message and I will drop everything and respond.

With that being said - I have only had two non replies from people I’ve reached out to. Does it say they are offline when you DM?
Does it say they are offline when you DM?

It does. Everyone you're DM'ing is seeing your messages (in theory). You are notified whenever you DM someone with the AFK status or with DND (do no disturb) enabled.

When you try to DM someone offline your message isn't even shown in chat. It just says something like "this player is offline"

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