How to tell GGG has no imagination...

When you have to make every single boss fight a room full of AOEs you have zero imagination with boss fights.

I really want to be excited for this game but damn I am not enjoying every single boss fight being a battle of surviving AOEs and not the actual boss.

Can y'all just like cut back on making ALL the boss fights an AOE struggle fest its old, gimmicky and killing my want to play the game and I know I am not the only one that feels this way.
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 12:35:24 PM
Lol maybe some bosses but some of the bosses are some of the greatest ever made and definitely best ever made if you compre it to arpg bosses, i played all soulsgames and i would say that doryani and jamanra are on the same level as elden rings bosses. Definitely way harder on some builds because the balancing is absolutely terrible.
In ARPG, long range AoE attacks generally are the easy/lazy solution to making ranged characters feel some kind of struggle, or be at disadvantage, just like melee characters are. Thing is, this time around, melee characters (especially those with armour only) suffer from the same rate of big/unblockable attacks as ranged does, while getting next to no damage reduction against those.

Regardless, some cheap attacks aside, I think that these are very well designed boss fights and Count Geonor must be one of the best fights I have experienced in an isometric ARPG, even if you can get out of a pickle relatively easily by just dodge rolling around (which is silly, but still).

Having boss fights simply be melee range enemies that you can kite around would be so bad. While they could reduce the rate of attacks and/or damage of the biggest slam attacks, I don't think they need to change most to keep the fights fair and fun.
Last edited by pyrocyborg#0256 on Feb 10, 2025, 12:04:09 PM
Name every single boss with rooms full of AOE, NOW
Name every single boss with rooms full of AOE, NOW


Ok, ok. I think I got one - Doryani when the mech turns into a ball and gets sent like a meteor.

Ahm... uh, Xeth when he summons the Ice Breach lord.

The Arbiter, obviously. Most of his shit is AoE that covers the entire arena.

The Count with his Ice Spike stuff, but that is so easy to avoid... I feel stupid mentioning it.

Besides them... it's really hard to think of a boss that has AoE filling the arena or everything close to it.

So, that's what? Out of 50 bosses, we got 4 with huge AoE stuff.
Oh boy, scandal.

I mean, bosses have AoE abilities, but most of them are pretty easy to avoid and not even close to "full room".
Last edited by JakkerONAIR#4902 on Feb 10, 2025, 12:24:28 PM
i would say that doryani and jamanra are on the same level as elden rings bosses. Definitely way harder on some builds because the balancing is absolutely terrible.

I know this is mostly personal opinion, and I don't even remember who Jamanra was, but Doryani is nowhere near as good as any Dark Souls 1, 3 or Elden Ring boss (which are the games I've played more attentively).

Doryani's fight is just AoE after AoE, just different types of AoEs. Some fixed, some "projectile-like", some will stay in a single place "forever".

VERY FEW PoE bosses ever come close to being as good as any Souls boss. IMO Sirus was the only one that got close to it, actually.

One of the issues that makes PoE bosses basically impossible to feel as good as Souls bosses is the fact PoE has a limited number of deaths per attempt (5), while Souls games give you infinite attempts in very quick succession (0-5 minutes between attempts at most).

So Souls bosses can be much much more complex and have much harder mechanics/attacks: because you can die 50 times to properly learn the fight and eventually overcome them.

PoE bosses are constrained to something that's feasible to learn and overcome in 5 deaths (which is a ridiculously low number for anything you'd call a "boss")

PS: Just realized, but Souls games also don't have any form of fast and unlimited lifesteal/HP regen like PoE has, so boss attacks can be punishing without the capital punishment: they 2-3 shot you, so getting hit is pretty punishing, but not insta-death in almost all bosses, so most of their moves also feel more meaningful. They aren't "do-or-die" moves.
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 10, 2025, 12:40:15 PM
I think the real problem you're seeing isn't with AOE so much as it is with 1-shot mechanics. Particularly now when Armor and Evasion are barely functional if at all, most boss attacks end up being 1-shots.

A game of 1 shots is not really or die is for first person shooters, not RPG style games.

If all those huge AOE screen-fillers did not actually drop you from full life to dead every single time you would probably have a much easier time figuring out how to avoid them.

The punishing XP loss on top of the overly abundant amount of 1-shots makes for a stale cycle of grinding that gets old extremely quickly.

If they were to fix armor and evasion so that characters with their capped 2000ish HP could survive at least 1 of those hits then the cycle would be a little less stale, but more options are also necessary such as Delving from PoE1, etc.

This is still Early Access though. I wouldn't even call it a Beta since a Beta is usually a test run of a finished game. This is the Alpha testing we're paying them to assist them with's going to take time for them get all the numbers and mechanics working the way they are supposed to.

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