Petiction to make the Legacy of Phrecia a full fledge 3-4 month league

To Jonathan, Mark, or whoever the head chef is of this event is. Make it a full league. Slap some Izaro themed cosmethics, slap on a new totem and challenges and go for it

- Will keep the PoE1bros busy for a while, 19 new ascendancies in 1 month? Thats way to little of a timeframe
- While i personally dont like alot of the design choices that made it into PoE2 and have been calling 0.1 a total disaster since december 10th in my friends group, at this point we can all agree that it was indeed shallow and undercooked. Have this be the 3.26 league, and while its running its course, actually sit and cook on PoE2.
- Will restore alot of good will, lost by the recent PR disaster
- The new ascendancies dont have to go core. If you are so worried what can happen in standart, you can do a force respect on all characters on league end. This will relieve pressure from a balance perspective as well. Or who knows, they can be kept ( or brought back) to some degree as a tradable very rare drops from Izaro himself in the lvl 83 labs as a only change 1 notable item. This already exists with the ToTa tatoos.
- More new eyes on both games, there are already people trying out PoE1 who started with 2. It doesnt have to be a war, i want both games to thrive, hand in hand. If one dies, the other will suffer as well.
- Immortalize the Izaro meme guy from reddit

Negatives: literally none
Last bumped on Feb 5, 2025, 5:49:23 AM
i personally think the devs are ego headed out on most of poe2 reactions to things (uniques are a dumpster fire still and they dont even know what makes arpg rarity to power ratio properly outside of a pinacle bosses dropping howa/ingenuity etc)

I do think it is past time for a new league (as well as them stop being effing stupid and release druid and templar on poe2 already) Not to mention how easy it would be to throw things together in a rush over the weekend and literally be about to have a poe1 league going and a poe2 redemption patch team in place for the next patch to make up for all the NEGATIVE BAD STUFF IN POE2.

I personally think their egos make them stupid though. im not a cultist poe1 best, poe2 best cultist like 99% of the people who play (which in all likelyhood are just sadists) on poe2.

like whats the reason for the phrecia event? they should do a video releasing the content drop dates and deadlines etc. instead of trying to boost dumb dumb youtubers etc.

just my 2 cents, and no i dont care if people agree or not.

Poe2 is savable just need someone like me who thinks with logic and not ego. i dont even think these people even play their own game.
I am all about signing this. GGG is compiling kinda new classes and 1 month is not enough to have fun with more than 1-2 classes, at least for casual player like me.

New league with lets say - "corrupted trial of ascendancy" giving you complete new ascendancies alongside with normal lab for normal classes would be interesting. Hek, just make lab a "corrupted lab" and leave it be, I would be great to test new witch, shadow or marauder ascendancies, even if they end up being trash or super OP.

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