How have we went from having a beautiful game with POE1 INSANE HYPE for POE2

To panic stations over a BETA resulting in Zero support for POE1 in the form of no new league???

GGG know this is a beta right? a beta that we have waited nearly 7 years for?..... and if they turned around tomorrow and said look POE2 isnt quiet right yet, were gonna have to give it abit more time next beta patch will be afew more months away im sure people would understand.

POE1 however getting no love and then not even a abundance of meaningful content on POE2 the slower lethargic gameplay, with a "end game" Atlas thats doesnt load in, literally 5 or 6 boss, some of which are literally such a choir to try and find (Expedition boss) to the point there not even worth trying to find to "fight" half the game isnt even out yet, half the classes and half the skill gems aint even out yet BUT yet this is where GGG are throwing the kitchen sink at it with people to "fix the problems"

the problems is in house it has been massively mismanaged as stated by Jonathan,
any company worth there salt would be like right we have released the beta we have gotten your feedback and were on it were working on fixes, and solutions please be patient as this will still take some weeks to fix.

im going to predict this THE NEXT PATCH WILL HAVE NEW CLASSES NEW GEMS AND SKILL AND EVEN MORE ITEMS AND LOOT and this is where the problem will lie because the gameplay wont be any different, the problems they have now with preformance, and the core parts of the game wont be sorted correctly, Armour will still be pointless, 1 portal will still be a thing, meaningful combat will still not be a thing, Atlas still wont load, the list will go on and on and on, because they are too scared about holding POE2 off to gets things right.

if you are bring out a new game then it need to as its core and foundations be sound that people want to play it as it stands in the space of 2 months they have lost nearly 400K concuring players and sure POE2 was never gonna keep that the NEW GAME HYPE was always going to attract new players, and once the honeymoon period wears off the POE2 would obviously loose players....

BUT i think the mishandelling of the game and the bad decisions made to throw everything at a quarter finished beta just sound desperate as if there are no longer confident in there own abilities, im sure the DEV are all capable and able to make POE2 great but i think by rushing it and trying to squeeze it into a deadline is only going to hurt the game because another bad patch, or pileing more content at a rush on top of a already low quality product (compaired to POE1) is only gonna make even more problems arise......

then what? POE1 never gets another update? the ruthlessness gameplay that POE2 brings isnt for everyone i said this from day 1 i have 11K hours in POE1 and after day 2 i knew this NEW VISION for POE2 wasnt for me (its ok though i still have POE1) but with it being a beta and obviously the hype i though give it a shot and see where we are....

However after seeing POE1 support fully pulled to work on POE2 and then obviously no mans land for a POE1 update im now left with the conundrum of wait to see if POE2 gets meaningful updates in the way of POE1 and see what "decisions" suddenly get reverted and all of a sudden oh we realised...

OR play POE1 and as theres no new content on the horizion then my options are limited, and on top of this it also leaving a bad taste in my mouth in regades to supporter packs, i feel i have just had my pants pulled down from a product i was falsely advertised with enticing me to spend...only to later find out i was buying into a (revert to picture)

i dont know i just cant see any good coming from the decisions the company are currently making. i just hope GGG reach out to Christ Wilson for some advise on how to run the business, before it run into the ground
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Feb 2, 2025, 11:09:47 AM
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 2:20:49 PM
POE 2 is the baby they want while POE 1 is the child they have... also it's a chance for them to restore THE VISION TM... and hope the community wants it this time
+1 this shit is still burning real time
the whole house and a small dumpster is a metaphor as well because the dumpster fire would have been alot easier to control and put out while the house is still burning no matter what i feel for the DEV's because they can only do what there told essentially.

But imo it would have been far less punishing for a "hold" on the majority of POE2 stuff to get the player base or majority of it occupied with something new then after the POE1 was running it course it would have given even more months to get POE2 in some sort of higher state, nothing would have had to be panic station rushed, and then after ppl on POE1 were wanting some POE2 stuff BOOM!! POE2.1 League every looking shiny and new it would have been poggers...

But instead everyone is miserable no matter what game you want to play lol
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Feb 2, 2025, 11:36:16 AM
It's more than leagues and content. I never want to dodge roll in an arpg. I never want to pause an arpg. Where's the action in a pauseRPG? Correct balance and monster str, and they can outright remove pause and macro. I never want poe 2. Not for free. No checkpoints. No rolling. No dev lazy shit. I'm basically never playing it!

You're right they should have back burned poe 2. Well I don't care now. I'm here with more fuel for the rage.
Last edited by benzman9001#5398 on Feb 2, 2025, 11:44:12 AM
Yea check points are ass for sure, some of the check points are off map in the middle of palm tree i think at this point no sane Dev has placed that check point with his own eyes and thought Yep thats a great placement i think they have drafter in AI and CHATgpt to construct the majority of POE2 chech this little beauty out

your telling me a DEV designed a end game map to have a Tower on top of a mountain on top of a citidel lol behave thats AI generated all day lol

BTW personally the only way i feel a check point is valid in a map is maybe outside a boss Arena and i think what it should do is cap ur damage off once you walk into the boss fight so that you have to learn boss mechanics and know how to move out the way and dodge (not with dodge roll) i think the engagement would be alot better for bosses if you couldnt just 1 tap them.

but outside the boss arena you can blast and wipe entire screens out for all i care i jsut think if they was implements it might give the bosses alot more replayablity to them and make for some fun intresting fights but not as it currently stands with 1 portal as well thats ass well
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Feb 2, 2025, 12:06:28 PM
POE2, a hot steamy mess! Awesome. Pretty much on par given their track record.

I won't even touch it for a year or two. I bet by then it will start revealing enjoyment for more people then the few die hards that havent already moved on.

Ta ta.
GGG - Why you no?
Last edited by JoannaDark#6252 on Feb 2, 2025, 12:42:33 PM
Yooo on another topic nice supporter badge u are OG asf lol

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