Game performance on xss

I just wanna write about my personal experience on xss.

Played nearly 300h with Spark, great build, projectives everywhere but it worked very well, some fps drops but nothing specjal, i was curious why ps5/xsx players make so many posts about nad performance if my worse console works great.

Now i know why, was tired of Spark so sold my gear and wear my deadeye. And oh gosh, with lightning arrows bouncing, 2 heralds destoying full screen and cast on crit spaming 2 additional spells had do many fps drops, lags etc. And its not only cus too many spells or mobs. Mało Boss fights with only lightning rods plus lightning arrow without anything else (not even Orb od storms) were droping to 1 FPS.

Played few hours and my series s started overheating and even in hideout had few fps and spam od microsecond "game paused" info.
Dont want burn my potato so its end for me at this moment, will wait until next "league" to check something new, it was great 2 months and waiting for more, but must say its a lot od work with optimalization. D4 in my opinion is worse game on every aspect , but it works much better , in diablo have allways 60 FPS even with full party where every player spam projectiles, have Minions with them etc. On poe i dont even try couch coop or online party cus game can't handle my build. Have hope at release it will work how it should.

Even with lags its wonderful game.
Last bumped on Jan 30, 2025, 7:30:10 PM
I think it is with the comparison to PC graphics. The PS5 definitely looked worse with Spark compared to my PC rig. The bolts were not as crisp.

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