Poison burst arrow needs a buff

So, Poison damage in general, but specifically the poison burst arrow, needs a buff. The "burst" is barely large enough to hit enemies that are literally touching, the duration is a joke, and the potency make the duration look serious. It is like they wanted Poison Burst to be the single target, then forgot that they wanted it to be the single target. I have done the comparisons on a few of the bosses in act 1:
Biera - Lightning rod plus arrow - about 30 seconds to kill with white gear
- Poison Burst over a minute to kill with white gear.
It was similar with the other non-mobile bosses, where the aoe skill was doing insanely more damage per second than the single target ever could, on a single target objective. And this is mainly because with lightning rod, you can stack 4-5 rod salvos on the boss, an then fire a single lightning arrow and watch their HP drop. With Poison burst, you have to keep applying the poison, and most of your damage is not coming FROM the poison but from the initial hit with the bow. About the only good thing the poison is doing is letting you break armor, which is of very limited utility early game.
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2025, 2:20:02 AM

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