300 hours, trials of wtf are making me quit

I guess the title says it all. I want the ascendancy points, of course like everyone, and I love the idea of having a difficult challenge to earn them. However, both of my trial options are absolutely ridiculous. On the chaos side, I am breezing through with my eyes closed, falling asleep, only to get one shot by some silly tornado in the final boss. In the pot pie looking honor trial, my god the list of complaints might be endless, but again, I am falling asleep, getting through trials, three whole bosses, didn't lose a point of honor, and then one shot dead by some mysterious enemy off the screen in the next stage.
Challenge me, but not this. This bs is maddening. (Insert Vaal orb image)
Last bumped on Feb 25, 2025, 11:13:46 AM
Yeah I had the same feedback. I luckily beat the Trialmaster on my second attempt, but yeah its BS to only have 1 shot at him then have to farm up new keys by doing braindead low level content.
Trials are boring indeed.

I think I got my 3rd ascension in Sekhemas, but almost fell asleep doing it because of how long and boring it is. It's thet exact same mechanics you run through every time and it gets old really quickly.

IMO these two trials are boring, unengaging, and unfun.

They are just the extremely limited couple of mechanics repeated over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, in the expectation that the player makes a mistake out of boredom or fall asleep at the keyboard.

These trials definitely need to be overhauled. There are no player strategy involved anywhere at all.

Sure, you get many different boons and afflictions.

But so what? What do you do differently based on the boons and affliction? Nothing. Absoultely no change to your gameplay. You are still doing exactly the same things no matter what affliction you get.

It wouldn't have felt so bad if the trials don't become longer and longer with each ascension. But they do, and God they are boring.
Update - lvl 92 now, clearing max juiced maps with one hand, one eye open. Near complete level stretches of breach and mirrors. I even gimp my gear to pump magic find. Never die. Impossible to die. My mechanic says I'm at least 20 div strong.
BUT HOOOLD UP, I load in an ultimatum 14 levels below me (still get ascension credit though) and for unknown reason, I get 1 shotted dead in round 5. What killed me, why, how? No idea.


I don't even want to talk about the moment I learned I need to clear it 3 times at a minimum.
Are we sure it works? Is the math error killing me on these bs penalties I choose each round?
BUT HOOOLD UP, I load in an ultimatum 14 levels below me (still get ascension credit though) and for unknown reason, I get 1 shotted dead in round 5. What killed me, why, how? No idea.

What defense type are you using?

I don't like the trials, either, but I had absolutely no problem surviving ToC with sufficient ES, but if you're using evasion, you know how it is sometimes...

I don't even want to talk about the moment I learned I need to clear it 3 times at a minimum.

If you want to speed things up: The fragments that drop depend on which boss you get in round #10. The Chimera drops Cowardly Fate, the plucked bird drops Victorious Fate and Ballsack, the tornado bird drops Deadly Fate.
So if you need Cowardly Fate, but already get Ballsack in the 4th or 7th round, you can then stop after that fight and start a new trial, because you won't get the fragment you need.
Thank you for the ballsack advice, that will help and save time.

I'm internalize with all mana/regen, no shield, whatever that talent is.
5k mana and 1.7k hp, I have no idea what kills me, that's what makes it frustrating. I go dozens of t15 maps full fixed and maybe one I'll see the mana ballsack wiggle.
Post patch today... I did die in a map, might even be my first death. Again, I have no idea why. There must be some way to get a peek at a log? Otherwise, blind with no info, what's the point of trying again?

Just my feedback. Otherwise I love poe2, thoroughly.
Final thought: same as POE1, POE2 is a great play, but the endgame is pointless and rage inducing when there is so little information made available, specifically on death.
440 hours, and I'm deleting this fucker until the game can tell me why I mysteriously died. How hard could it be? Is it not available because it'll expose the clusterfuck?

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