The Annihilating Light is "less," not "reduced."

Despite saying reduced.

Is this a known inconsistency?

... While we're here, I'm also kind of annoyed that the Harvest craft for weapon quality granting melee range is INCREDIBLY misleading. It says "+1 Weapon Range" for each 10% of quality, but somehow that means +0.1 range instead. It's as if Weapon Range is a sort of keyword that actually just measures its "Weapon Range score" by 0.1 for no reason whatsoever, but the game never tells you that anywhere, and just fucking goes with, "Yeah, +1 Weapon Range means +0.1 [non-keyword] weapon range!"

Absolutely arbitrary and obnoxious.

Or possibly just a Horticrafting Station description error that never got fixed?? Not sure. Pick your poison on that one.
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 9:00:37 AM
There's no inconsistency here. Resistances are "+X% to X Resistance" and not "X% increased X Resistance". "Less" Resistance actually applies after Annihilating Light, as that is how "less" works.
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Uhhhhhhhhhh, yeah, I guess you're right... lol...

Feels like a cheapshot to me, though, honestly. Why not just say Less? All the effort this game makes to have you understand the in-game difference between increase/reduce and more/less... and then when this item says REDUCED, it's actually not in additive nature to your resists, which you DO BUILD UP in an additive manner, just like any other "increase/reduce" mechanic.

Wow. That really feels like a cheapshot, doesn't it???

ShadyC#1006 wrote:
Feels like a cheapshot to me, though, honestly. Why not just say Less? All the effort this game makes to have you understand the in-game difference between increase/reduce and more/less... and then when this item says REDUCED, it's actually not in additive nature to your resists, which you DO BUILD UP in an additive manner, just like any other "increase/reduce" mechanic.

You should crack open a Wiki page. I already explained why it doesn't work that way. You are misunderstanding what the words mean. Additive and multiplicative are mathematical terms. The individual resist values are additive with each other, that's why the distinction is, again, "+X% to X" and not "increased X". Increasing modifiers stack with each other within the same group. Increased Resistance and +X% to Resistance are not in the same group.

50% increased Fire Resistance and 50% increased Fire Resistance are additive and a multiplier to your total Fire Resistance (+X% to Fire Resistance). If you have 100% reduced Fire Resistance, these would counteract each other and cancel out back to 0. If it were 100% less, you wouldn't have any Fire Resistance at all, because anything multiplied by 0 ends in 0.
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I can assure you, there isn't a Wiki page on this, lol.

You're totally misunderstanding what I'm saying. And you're acting like "I should have known" how it would interact. Which would be entirely disingenuous of a stance.

Additive and multiplicative are mathematical terms.

Red herring. It doesn't matter if they're mathematical terms, that does not take away from the argument. PoE terms use these mathematical functions, and so, they are relevant to the conversation.

First, let me address this:

You speak as if PoE follows a set of rules consistently, but this is not true. They do not additively group up alike keywords, and make them multiplicative of each other. This is not a rule for PoE.

1) Increase/Reduce all stack additively with each other, and are their own multiplier.

2) Target takes increase/reduce is additive with each other as well, and serves as its own multiplier category.

3) More/Less do NOT stack additively with each other, and every single instance of these keywords are their own separate multiplier.

These 3 distinctions, by themselves, showcase inconsistent behavior between the keywords themselves. Some are additive within their respective category, and others are not, based on nothing at all except that it's been programmed that way.

Moving on, yes, you are correct, items do not give "increased fire resist" and so on, and that is why you are technically correct that Annihilating Light's "increase/reduce" category is acting as a More/Less category, because there isn't technically any current Increase/Reduce acting upon one's resists yet. So it is indeed isolated in its own multiplier category.

I already said yes, I get it.

I'm saying that it's incredibly misleading, and I would make a pretty confident and comfortable bet that most human beings, no matter how experienced and veteran'd in PoE, assumed this item was additive upon first reading it.

Building up your resists 100% functions as an Increase/Reduce category. And so...

... how aren't you getting this...

Never mind. I don't care anymore, lmao. This is such a disingenuous, hindsight argument.
ShadyC#1006 wrote:
I can assure you, there isn't a Wiki page on this, lol.

There are several.

ShadyC#1006 wrote:
You speak as if PoE follows a set of rules consistently, but this is not true. They do not additively group up alike keywords, and make them multiplicative of each other. This is not a rule for PoE.

Yes, it is and, yes, they do. Damage over Time Multiplier is one of them. It stacks additively and is a total multiplier to your damage. +6% Phys DoT Multi and +6% Phys DoT Multi becomes 12% Phys DoT Multi and not 12.36%.

Edit: Maybe a better example would be: Phys DoT Multi and DoT Multi, i.e. from "Veteran Soldier" and "Acrimony" stack additively.

ShadyC#1006 wrote:
I already said yes, I get it.

You clearly don't.

ShadyC#1006 wrote:
Never mind. I don't care anymore, lmao. This is such a disingenuous, hindsight argument.

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Last edited by BaumisMagicalWorld#0673 on Jan 26, 2025, 3:48:42 PM
ShadyC#1006 wrote:
Building up your resists 100% functions as an Increase/Reduce category. And so...

... how aren't you getting this...

How should "+% crit chance" and "% increased crit chance" function then? Should "100% increased crit chance" make every hit a critical hit?
There are several.

Ah. You're right again!

So I guess I was supposed to just randomly do a Wiki search on "resistance" because this item mentions resistance? Lmao.

You're right that there's a Wiki page on it, but you're still being disingenuous. Am I supposed to minimize the game and open up a Wiki and research every single letter that shows up on an item? You're ignoring my point about the implications of resist building.

Yes, it is and, yes, they do. Damage over Time Multiplier is one of them. It stacks additively and is a total multiplier to your damage. +6% Phys DoT Multi and +6% Phys DoT Multi becomes 12% Phys DoT Multi and not 12.36%.

Edit: Maybe a better example would be: Phys DoT Multi and DoT Multi, i.e. from "Veteran Soldier" and "Acrimony" stack additively.

Still a bad example. Yes, I know that 40% increased elemental damage and 40% increased fire damage and 40% increased spell damage is 120% increased fire spell damage...

You're picking things within the same multiplier and saying, "See, look, they are additive!" You're ignoring literally half of my point. Not all keywords are additive with each other. (More/Less are not additive.) And there is no rhyme or reason for it. It simply is programmed that way. That's not a rule. That's just things happening. That's why I said PoE isn't even consistent with its own rules. Because it isn't. But you're trying to argue that it is, by saying that its rule is that they aren't consistent.

You clearly don't.

How is this not arbitrarily contrarian? I'm continuously showcasing that I do get it. You just wanna throw in a casual "nuh uh" for good measure there???

This is what I'm sayin'. Just totally disingenuous.
Jadian#0111 wrote:
ShadyC#1006 wrote:
Building up your resists 100% functions as an Increase/Reduce category. And so...

... how aren't you getting this...

How should "+% crit chance" and "% increased crit chance" function then? Should "100% increased crit chance" make every hit a critical hit?

So I'll respond to this!

This becomes an argument about frequency at this point. With crit chance, the rarity is the addition of flat base crit chance. (And it should be specified in-game that it's base crit chance, for the record.) Whereas, the extreme commonplace stat is increased crit chance.

In fact, the extreme commonplace stat in almost ALL cases is increase/reduce.

Following so far?

99 out of 100 times, the most common stat for something is increase/reduce.

Okay. Now... As we build up our resists, it is continuously additive. While building up a million other stats by INCREASING them additively, as we then work on resistances as well, and see that it is all ADDITIVE... our BRAINS will associate this with also being the increase/reduce category. Because that is what THE VAST MAJORITY of this game has been throwing at us since that time we woke up on a beach. Increase/reduce becomes the default, most basic category that we work with. Both literally in the game, but then also mentally in our heads.

So then an item shows up and it says "reduced X resistance"??? Yes. Like I said. This whole discussion is a farce. I bet my literal life and soul that more than 75% of all PoE-playing human beings believed "increased/reduced X resistance" to be additive, the very first time they saw it somewhere.

So this nonsensical, disingenuous back & forth is totally pointless.


P.S. Edit:
I'm morbidly curious if you got any disingenuous responses on the Weapon Range portion of my OP, lmao... Which actually consisted of maybe 80% of my original post, but you ignored it entirely thus far. Perhaps because you know it does actually showcase a misleading situation within PoE? Or, perhaps, this is another situation where you think my first instinct upon reading a couple words in-game means I should minimize and read every Wiki article that dares mention the word "weapon"?

If I see every other part of the game offering me +0.1 range here or +0.3 range there, and I see a crafting option that promises +2 range for having 20% quality, then imagine my face when I only got +0.2.

gUeSs i ShOuLdA kNoWn!!!
Last edited by ShadyC#1006 on Jan 26, 2025, 4:16:00 PM
ShadyC#1006 wrote:
So I guess I was supposed to just randomly do a Wiki search on "resistance" because this item mentions resistance? Lmao.

Perhaps you should. Your sarcastic attitude doesn't exactly make people want to help you, though.

ShadyC#1006 wrote:
You're right that there's a Wiki page on it, but you're still being disingenuous. Am I supposed to minimize the game and open up a Wiki and research every single letter that shows up on an item? You're ignoring my point about the implications of resist building.

I'm not ignoring anything. Seems you need to re-learn the rules. You had 12 years to learn the basics.

Not sure how you can misinterpret what "% reduced Resistance" means when you know the game's rules.

ShadyC#1006 wrote:
(More/Less are not additive.) And there is no rhyme or reason for it. It simply is programmed that way. That's not a rule. That's just things happening.

Come again? That's just... basic math. Functions within a code use mathematical formulas. It works the same in Elden Ring with most buffs in the game. This is not a PoE thing, lol. The PoE devs just happened to make it a game mechanic to clearly distinguish them, in order to avoid confusion.

ShadyC#1006 wrote:
I'm continuously showcasing that I do get it.

You continue to demonstrate stubbornness. That does not mean that you get it.

ShadyC#1006 wrote:
I bet my literal life and soul that more than 75% of all PoE-playing human beings believed "increased/reduced X resistance" to be additive, the very first time they saw it somewhere.

Most people by then would have encountered "-X% to X" at some point. As from Curses - in literally Act 1. It tells you that when you hover the icon.
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Last edited by BaumisMagicalWorld#0673 on Jan 26, 2025, 4:15:45 PM

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