Supporter pack upgrades in steam page

Currently in PoE2 if you already have access to the main game, you can not upgrade your tier to either Lord of Ogham or the King of the Faridun tier without buying the game again for yourself which is just wasting money for no reason. Now, i thought about upgrading to lord of ogham and you can either, buy the entire thing with the access for 27usd with regional pricing (which is the entire reason i can afford them) or you can upgrade from in game store for the full 30 dollars which you may argue is still pretty cheap since it includes 30 dollars worth of coins but it really is not for someone living in a place where the appropriate price for the pack with the game was determined as 27 instead of 60 dollars.

All in all i just want to be able to have the upgrade supporter pack option in steam.
Last bumped on Jan 26, 2025, 11:14:08 AM
Upgrade support pack through poe2 website. I play poe2 through steam but my purchases are on poe2 website.

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