Feedback after around 500 hours... SUGGESTIONS and WISHES for QoL feature!

So after around 500 hours in the game and several Chars over Level 90 im feeling comfy enough to give a feedback and also make some suggestions and have some wishes!


I know we are at the start of the early access and ofc the abilities and classes arent balanced perfectly yet, but that would be my first wish for the future!
There are so many ways to play any char but at the end we see more or less everyone is playing a class one way...

I ve started PoE2 with a Mercenary following no guide or build it was really a great time and feeling to learn everything from the bottom, right now at the endgame everything feels like the same, you re spaming grenades to clear the whole Screen over and over again, same for the sorceress with spark... i think we dont need to talk about this.

My next Char is a Witch with hex blast, i really love the "dot" playstyle in any other games, but in poe2 its more like if you see an enemy, press one button and clean the screen.
Funny? i dont know...

But yeah like i said, we are just at the beginning and i hope there are more and more coming with more playstyles...

QoL Information

First of all, i dont play hardcore yet, so i would love to get some information about what has killed me overall, and not only get the information "xxx got slain."
Which Enemy killed me? What Damage killed me? Was it a critical hit?
So i can overthink my build or gear or also what type of waystones i can use...

Map information in the hideout, i really just go into a portal to check if the map is completed, any monsters are left or sometimes running through the whole map again to check if there is an event i havent finished yet, so if you start a map it would be super smart if you could see on the table or portal if the map is complete, how many monster are left, is there an event going on you could finish like ritual 1/3.

Same for the position of any event in a map, it shows off if you are near the event, but disappear if you run further away, is this intended?
It is nice to have checkpoints in a map right now but it could really be more than just one at the start and one at the boss, maybe for every point of interest, like an event?

Charakter information, so like you see all important values at the charakter screen? i doubt it. What about your base Life and Mana Value? Does it make sense to socket a + 2% life or should i do 20 to max life instead, same for Mana just as example.
What about your rarity bonus? Do i really need to do an excel sheet for the Gear, Atlas Skill tree, waystone and whatever just to get the value of that?
Same for all the other on gear affix or suffix or prefixes...
In this regard the game is just bad and i dont know why, is/was there no feedback for this in poe1?

More or less the same for damage information, first of all it was hard to find the arrow to collap all the information about the damage of a skill and at the end you can see the total damage with the value of xxx-xxxxxx but you wont see any chances for aliments, the base damage + all modifier from the gear like incresed spell damage, lightning damage... does it make any different if i go for elemental damage instead if i have more than just one elemental damage type?
In my opinion there are also fake numbers, like if i can cast a spell 10 times per second, but after 3 cast my mana is empty, so well?

So more informations PLEASE!

QoL Features

Trading Site
INGAME!I have the luxury to have 3 monitor and so yeah i can search for new gear and also compare them but you dont think it is outdated with the trading site over a website?
In my opinion it is outdated like the search on the trading site itself. you re looking for a Prism of belief Diamond with hex blast? Oh you really found one at the site? Let's click on it and sort them... oh no what happend? i wont find it ever again :(
(i've checked it rn and oh well at least this one got done after weeks)
Imagine you could sort the items after more than just one stat... and so on.
We really need an update for the trading it is sooooo important for the game but it feels like there is no care for such an easy thing to change like i said adding skills to the search engine.

Reforging Bench
I really love to use it for everything, like 3 same items to reforge, to improve waystones and so on, but it would really be a game changer if you dont need to run from your stash to the bench... and it would also be a great thing to have something similiar to the reforging bench to upgrade all your waystones at once to the highest tier.
(i know some guys in the endgame just dont pick up everything under Tier 15 but im a horder :D)
So if you open the reforging bench and the stash is at the left side, the inventory at the right would be a huge different.

Salvage Bench
More or less the same thing like for the reforging Bench but also a button to salvage just everything in your inventory at once.

i bet there are a lot of suggestions for the stash, a Map Stash, or for the Runes, Catalysts, Artifact Orb or any other sockable items, same for the Gem Stash, that you can stack uncut Skill Gems up so you wont hit the Limit of 500 that fast, so my suggestion is just simple:
I want a fcking button to sort all my inventory trash inside the stash with one click, like all currencies, sockable items and so one. Life changer!

It would be a huge different for me personally if the inventory would just be 1 row higher so you can place a twohand weapon and such items like helmet or gloves under them or place 2 3x2 items in there!
But an Quad Stash size inventory would also be perfect... bigger is better.

Uncut Skillgem
It would be nice if you could stack them! BUT i would also really love it if you could salvage uncut skillgems to dust or something and recraft your own Skillgems.
It is just a mess to have near 500 Gems (sold more or less an amount of 2000 Gems already...)

Map Device
I need to relog every single time if i have a render issue at the device map, so i can see all the map again, but i think that is a known issue?
A search for specific Maptypes, that you already have discovered would be nice or just to mark some spots, so you can find a citadel later again, as example.
More Information about the Realmgate, the reliquary Vault would be nice.
And i think there are also a many good suggestions so i dont need to write them down in here.

Profile of Friends, Guild
All the time i'm playing with friends i would love to see the gear they re wearing so maybe i can find anything to give them before i sell it at the trading site or
disenchant them.

Suggestion new Mechanic
I know the game is more or less forced to trade with other people, because if you re playing ssf at all, you wont get the good stuff, the crafting system is really a rng fiesta, and if you have hit all the right prefixes, i would love to use div orbs if they are not the number one trade currency but yeah it is what it is...
So i thought about a new mechanic to specific the loot that you get more, instead of increased rarity of items it could be something like increased rarity of items for a class, or spells, life, mana...

So that are my thoughts right now and i hope i can help to improve the game with that, because i love the game, the idea, see the potencial and it would be super easy to avoid so much frustration.

Have a nice Day!
Last bumped on Jan 25, 2025, 8:05:35 PM

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