Minion Collision Problems

Ok... minions have collision with each other, problematic with tight spaces, but that's cool...


Enemies understood that collision as well!

However, so many times, countless times... I have had up to 35 minions, all in those tight spaces, and watched enemies just walk right through them (sometimes even hasted charging) right through the pack. If my minions can't even manage to walk through each other, and they apparently don't get and hold aggro very well?

That makes no sense. Either take away their collision with each other, or make enemies actually pay attention to that collision. If I play co-op, and the other player stands in a doorway, most enemies will stop there, even if I out-damage them. But, watching enemies, despite size, level, common to rare... just waltz right through 30+ minions standing there unable to even attack because so many minions are in the way?

Nah... THAT needs changed.
Last bumped on Jan 25, 2025, 8:24:24 PM
Equip another weapon for weapon switching. That will spawn your minions on you and get them through doorways and openings that they can't get through right now.

Also, there is a keybind for directing your minions where you want them to go. It does work. Not 100 percent, but you can direct them where to go.
Them getting stuck on/in doorways, like I said, is fine, just problematic- I know how to overcome that.

The problem I am going after is how THEY have very real collision with each other, but enemies apparently don't think minions exist at all. This should not be happening. Minions exist, the enemies shouldn't just walk right through a pack of 30+ minions that are so tightly packed in a hallway that THEY cannot move anywhere.

If the minions can't move forward because they are so packed, enemies shouldn't be able to pretend they don't exist and simply charge right through.

Minions not being able to get through doors is a trite complaint, this isn't talking about that, only using it as basic common sense and logic that if the minions can't get through each other: ENEMIES shouldn't be able to ignore that collision.
The problem isn't minions. The problem is the levels are designed to choke you. GGG needs to redesign most of the map levels to get rid of the multitude of choke points. I'm fine with a few but there are far too many on far too many maps.

They even redid the tower maps because of this but the minions still get stuck in the towers idk how they missed this unless they just don't get it.

The overall solution for minions is simply making the maps not have so many choke points where things get stuck. It's ok once in a while to provide players with a situation that needs planning but holy shit not every god damn map ffs.
The problem isn't minions. The problem is the levels are designed to choke you. GGG needs to redesign most of the map levels to get rid of the multitude of choke points. I'm fine with a few but there are far too many on far too many maps.

They even redid the tower maps because of this but the minions still get stuck in the towers idk how they missed this unless they just don't get it.

The overall solution for minions is simply making the maps not have so many choke points where things get stuck. It's ok once in a while to provide players with a situation that needs planning but holy shit not every god damn map ffs.

Again, don't really care about minions in choke points. Just means different tactics are needed.

The point I am trying to make is that enemies should CARE about those things as well. We can't just walk right through enemies, so why should they be allowed to walk through our minions?

A lot of enemies have minions, too. Can you walk right through them? No. You have to move tactically, keeping aware of all of them so you don't get stuck in a corner, boxed in, etc. Enemies should care about our minions. But, I keep seeing them run right through them, straight to me. Sometimes the minions stop them, but that's because the minions have a lot more aggro than I do at those times, not because the enemies "can't" get through them.

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