Feedback/bug: Iron citadel completion

Now is it just me or everyone else I don't know, but no matter what I do, I can't get any of my Iron Citadels to count as "completed" on the Atlas.

I kill the boss, all rares, basically every mob on the map, still nothing happens and the map is "in progress". It happens every time.
Other citadels work fine and count completed when they do. This only happens with the Iron one and while it's not a big issue, since I get the fragments looted anyway, but the citadel node on the map itself is sometimes blocking the next node where I wanted to go next. Looks like a clear bug to me, please fix.
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 9:27:10 PM
It's not just you. Map shows one monster even though I have run the map multiple times with the same result. Not completing so the path is dead on the atlas.

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