Just an opinion from a player who started in 2011

POE2 is a step up from POE1 but not very far. I'm so sick of mapping/endgame in its current format and frankly never cared for POE1 end game. Acquiring maps that you can run and consistently enjoy is as difficult a task as finding the right gear for your build. You need to find the maps, craft them and hope they don't turn into duds, hope they have mods that are worth running, hope they're not too deadly, then hope something worth while drops and that the time acquiring, crafting and managing your maps wasn't a complete waste of time.

Ultimatum is too slow. Way... way.. too slow. So much waiting, running, waiting running for a potential death and no loot is a painful experience.

Gearing up for end game has always been my least favorite experience in POE. There's always this confusing line of whether to buy your gear, craft it or try to magic find it. You can't do all 3 unless you are gaming the market. If you craft, you will most likely fail and have no currency to buy. If you buy, you run the risk of not getting the right piece of gear, finding out your build isn't as good as you thought, getting ripped off. If you go magic find, you are in for a very overwhelming experience of finding too much loot that 99 times out of 100 is going to be a nothing. Magic finding is as tedious an experience as crafting if not more. This game sends way too much at you and very few find a path through the clutter.
Lets say I want to craft the exact pair of boots I want. I need the currency, I need potentially 100's of boots to attempt to craft. I could literally play the entire league and never get the boots that I wanted, or the weapon I wanted. Either to the market being rigged, crafting not working out, magic find not working out. There are literally no guarantees in path of exile aside from the fact that you will most likely find tons of trash loot, break tons of maps and gear, die for unknown reasons because the game is full of so much clutter it's impossible to see and it doesn't have the decency to tell you what had killed you.

The amount of options in path of exile is both what brings it's life and it's death. The options of play in path of exile are not well defined enough and lead to many players hitting that fork in the road and seeing a dead end.

Scrolling though public games to look for groups isn't a fun experience. The public games window needs a rework. It's a mess.

I went deadeye molten blast, fork, terrain chain, it was fun. I was basically a ranger with a shield, it was fun.

I quit when ash of cinder body blocked me from the mechanics. But that's not why I quit. It was just the cherry on top of all the other things about the game I don't like.
The game just takes too much time to get no where. Hopefully that changes but I highly doubt it. Due to all the market riggers that make thousands of dollars a month selling in game items. And if this catches any attention I'm sure they will be in here in full force with their very lucid opinions.
Last bumped on Jan 21, 2025, 7:18:55 PM
Too much to read?
Well isn't gear the point of endgame and endgame the point of gear?

You basically answered your own questions.

It sounds like you made a weak or very niche build and then have issues gearing.

Trade economics are always going to be what they are. Like for someone to even list it it has to be something popular or something that someone thinks they will use.

I think 90% of my stuff will be traded and 10% will be self found. And almost none will be crafted unless I get a really lucky roll.

In Poe I always got lucky on gloves and boots. In Poe too I feel like I have to trade for everything because everything needs resistances as well as attributes and like you need five to six good mods.

Like if I found a really good item with four good mods but it was lacking the definitive mod like defense or damage %, I'll roll it.

But all this comes down to I think the passive notes kind of lacking in some things or not being easily accessible.

I actually like the idea of poe2 endgame better than Poe1. The only issue I really have is that some maps a lot of them really are just low quality.

Like vaal citadel, like those doors are ridiculous.

I'm talking about stuff like augury, vaal anything. The bottlenecks really get me or lack of visibility.

But the core idea of switching to waystones from maps is so much better.

Last edited by Tyrsonjsp#2390 on Jan 21, 2025, 5:23:56 PM
Too much to read?

forums are for people who can read and write, so they aren't for everyone sorry.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Well isn't gear the point of endgame and endgame the point of gear?

You basically answered your own questions.

It sounds like you made a weak or very niche build and then have issues gearing.

Trade economics are always going to be what they are. Like for someone to even list it it has to be something popular or something that someone thinks they will use.

I think 90% of my stuff will be traded and 10% will be self found. And almost none will be crafted unless I get a really lucky roll.

In Poe I always got lucky on gloves and boots. In Poe too I feel like I have to trade for everything because everything needs resistances as well as attributes and like you need five to six good mods.

Like if I found a really good item with four good mods but it was lacking the definitive mod like defense or damage %, I'll roll it.

But all this comes down to I think the passive notes kind of lacking in some things or not being easily accessible.

I actually like the idea of poe2 endgame better than Poe1. The only issue I really have is that some maps a lot of them really are just low quality.

Like vaal citadel, like those doors are ridiculous.

I'm talking about stuff like augury, vaal anything. The bottlenecks really get me or lack of visibility.

But the core idea of switching to waystones from maps is so much better.

I never really asked a question. Regardless, I agree the vaal maps suck, messy, can't see the spidermines half the time. We want simple streamlined maps that don't waste too much of our time. That being said waystones are a mild improvement. Crafting maps is beyond tedious though, another time sink. We want to be playing the game not attempting to design a game we want to play.. That's why I preferred perandus mines.

Crafting maps is such a bad idea lol. So.. so.. so.. bad.

I also didn't have too much trouble gearing up. I was doing t18 max difficulty end game bosses up until I hit cinder. My problem is the journey it took to get my character to where it was and the journey that laid ahead of me to get gear improvements was too much of a time suck for me. I got bored af because I saw how far the carrot had traveled from where it was.

The power progression is so clunky, weak weak weak, strong af, kill whole maps in seconds because I bought an item... wooooooo.

I decided to quit before I even hit cinder. But I climbed all that way and decided to give it a try only to be body blocked from the game mechanics. The boss was in between me and where I had to go and there was no time to walk around, I died, I laughed, I gave 400 divs worth of stuff away, then I uninstalled.

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