Is it possible to unlink my steam account from this account?
I was trying to make an account to directly link my steam to only to realize this account was made and connected years ago when I logged in through steam. I want to get it to sign into the one that I made manually.
Last bumped on Jan 21, 2025, 9:16:37 PM
Unfortunately, we aren't able to assist with this issue over the forums. Please contact us at if you haven't already so we can look into this with you. Be sure to include your Path of Exile account name (including four-digit discriminator) as well as the names of a few of your characters so that we are best able to look into things with you.
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The email had been sent but no response has come through, as far as characters the account doesn't have any on it.
I was logged into the other account that I am trying to migrate the account link to, but yes that^