Detonate Dead Targetting in Ritual

Detonate Dead seems to have trouble targetting anything in Ritual encounters. I see bodies highlighted in green, I seem to have clear line of sight to my minions with Sacrifice enabled... But a lot of the time I've wound up dying without being able to attack anything.
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2025, 2:02:16 PM
i've been having a really hard time with it too, glad to see i wasn't crazy.

it has something to do with line of sight issues. reducing the amount of minions i'm running around with seems to help, and worst case, i just exit to char selection if im surrounded and cant blow anything up. i've had to socket comet too.

if the minions are all clumped up into a ball, they seem to block your line of sight, and you have to either find a dead enemy corpse or throw a comet into them. it's super annoying and i hope they fix it.
Hey I did some testing, noticed that DD only activates when you stand inside the ritual markings. I was finally able to clear a few ritual maps using DD when I don't stand outside that marking, even though the stage limits do allow some space just beyond the ritual markings.

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