Missing support response


I would like to bring up an issue regarding a support case I opened. I contacted the support team on December 29th and received a response the same day. I promptly replied to their message on December 29th as well. However, since then, I have not received any follow-up or resolution, despite sending several reminders throughout late December and January.

Could you please advise on what I can do to escalate this matter? Your assistance in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Best regards,
Last bumped on Jan 19, 2025, 5:58:26 AM
If you've already contacted us about this via support@grindinggear.com then you will need to wait for a response from the appropriate team member. I apologise for any wait in the meantime - we're currently processing a large volume of tickets so we really appreciate your patience.
Will_GGG wrote:
If you've already contacted us about this via support@grindinggear.com then you will need to wait for a response from the appropriate team member. I apologise for any wait in the meantime - we're currently processing a large volume of tickets so we really appreciate your patience.

Thank you for your reply.

I understand that you are handling a large volume of tickets, and I appreciate your effort. However, as this matter concerns my money and microtransactions, I would like to ask if you could provide an estimated time for a response. Is there anything I can do to expedite the process?

If needed, I’m happy to share my email and contact details to help resolve this issue more quickly. Please let me know how to proceed.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.
I would like to ask if you could provide an estimated time for a response.

Unlikely as it is evolving all the time, if they get more staff in it will be lowered, if the players email more than once to try "speed up the process" it resets you in the queue.etc

Is there anything I can do to expedite the process?

Nope, you are in a queue and like everyone else you will wait until it is your turn, do not send further emails unless asked so you don't prolong your time in the queue.
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