Whole PC crashing
I cannot respond to other threads to add that I am having same issues.
Mainly happens via portal back to town. Others reporting same issue with excessive CPU usage. PC locks up on loading screen and nothing can be done to get past it but a hard boot of the PC which is dangerous over time...Like playing Russian Roulette with more chambers and more possibilities than just blowing your whole head off... This needs a fix and I need to find out why I cannot interact with other posts such as reply or quote. Been playing POE for years. I also emailed support. PC has Nvidia 1680Ti AMD Ryzen 7 Ram is 32G Last bumped on Jan 17, 2025, 1:42:48 PM
Ever since the game updated, I'm running into the same issues. Randomly the game will freeze my pc, and I have to reboot or the game crashes. Wondering if it has something to do with the update?
I have a problem logging in... I logged in to the game, then it stopped, and when I restarted it again, it doesn't open at all and exits.