Question about Pirasha, Forgotten Prisoner (Balbala clone boss)
Been running juiced t15s for a while on an Evasion/ES ranger, nothing really comes close to killing me including bosses, unless I mess up and eat a slam. But I just got one-shot by Pirasha, the Balbala boss clone on the Fortress biome, and I don't know why. I'd love to know so I don't have to just avoid this fight.
She said "Kun'dek!" then teleported above me, then crashed down all in less than a second and I was done. None of her other attacks did noticeable damage. This didn't feel telegraphed or reactable like other one-shot mechanics, it was nearly instant. I looked her up on PoE2DB but didn't see anything listed in the moveset that could do this. The map was lvl81, and had no damage or resistance penalty mods, but it did have +39% monster speed. My life pool is not high, 1900hp/1100es, but nothing else on this map dented it. I even screwed up and got caught in a big stick guy death detonation and was just fine. Not intending to vent, although this sure did feel like BS, but genuinely curious: is there a cue for this move that I missed? How do I avoid it in the future? (Okay yeah a little vent: THE thing that kept me from truly enjoying PoE 1 was mysterious one-shots, and boy was I hoping they'd do something about those. Ugh.) Last bumped on Jan 20, 2025, 12:02:28 PM
Yes, it spawns, teleports to you and 1shots you. Has at least 3x of the damage compared to other bosses
On +0 monster speed it exactly the same. On 2k Hp, 3k es it exactly the same Last edited by Swdan#2149 on Jan 16, 2025, 8:04:27 PM
When she goes invisible and you go to find her she will do the slam down attack so move away after "triggering/activating" her again.
The fight put yellow circles on the ground, if you step in a yellow circle she will teleport to it and do a slam down attack, so avoid stepping in yellow circles or run/dodge away if you do. I think the adds cause the yellow circles when they die so if you really want you could try to group them up in a place before killing them. Other than that run around when she does the blades in the ground stuff, and the fight should be pretty easy. Last edited by Tumulten#3988 on Jan 16, 2025, 8:21:11 PM
This is really helpful, thank you! It happened right around when I killed an add, so maybe it left a circle that immediately triggered because I was already on top of it. I'll watch out for that in the future.
She is overtuned compared to other bosses at the same level. Especially because she moves too fast and offers less opportunity to deal damage to her.