Stolen goods, unapropriate acces to account.
On December 29, all the goods suddenly disappeared from my account, only the cheapest trash remained. From the character Фэллатрис and Вримбо, this happened around 4-5 p.m. GMT+2. I understand that recovery may not happen, so after reading posts on the Internet, I got upset and just started leveling up another character. But now my friends have persuaded me to contact you. Since there are suspicions about who it could be. I want to conduct my own investigation and therefore I ask you to tell me to which account or to which guild my things were transferred, but most important, with which IP address was the active session at the moment when things began to disappear on my account. Which geolocation, what IP address and transmission method. Thank you and I look forward to your fast response. Best regards. Last bumped on Jan 15, 2025, 6:04:56 AM
Unfortunately, we aren't able to assist with this issue over the forums. Please contact us at if you haven't already so we can look into this with you. Be sure to include your Path of Exile account name (including four-digit discriminator) as well as the names of a few of your characters so that we are best able to look into things with you.