Disconnection from the server
I'm corrently have problem with connection i log in to the game i can play a bit of time then Network MS is getting to about 4000, i didn't have this issue today morrning. I did check my conection and my ping is about 50ms even when in the game is showing 4000ms Last bumped on Jan 12, 2025, 2:58:01 PM
And I'm talking about PoE2
I did see something interestin it looks like this occure only on specific maps for example on "The Drowned City" and "Apex of Filth" i don't have this probles game works fine but when i enter "the Molten Vault" ms starts to geting even to 6000 and then crash and get me back to loging screen
Same problem for me today also. Yesterday it was all fine. Feel the same about that some maps feels better then others... Hideout is filled with huge lagspikes...