Curses without explanation

I have been playing around with Impending Doom and Burning Inscription but for some reason the moment I started using two different curses I started encountering a whole lot of different issues.

The first issue was that Impending Doom would not work on Flammability and Burning Inscription would not work on Despair.

I started messing around a bit with weapon swapping and looked at switching around my supports a bit and suddenly I could not even keybind the curse skills anymore. They literally won't show up as skills I have socketed.

Tried removing all supports but the problem persisted. Tried unsocketing all skill gems and weapons, but the problem persisted.

Currently I am unable to use any of the two curses.

Bug Report ID: #3362842245
Last bumped on Jan 12, 2025, 10:22:07 AM
Switching to a new skill gem of the same skill fixes the issue, but that also means I have to reinvest in sockets for both skills and I still have no idea what causes the problem to begin with so it's going to happen again.
The bugged skill gems work on other characters without issue for some reason.
Somewhat tangential but possibly relevant, it seems like Impending Doom stops working for on-death triggers when I run Despair in Blasphemy.

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