Dear GGG. Fix your EA balancing betwen classes, and rebalance the uesless ones.

While We have Elon-Monks running around electrocuting,stun,freeze lock bosses. and all thier insane skills that does tons of dmg to bosses and clear swarms.
going futher with more expensive builds like +1000 attributes. +10000000000% dmg, and attack speed and aoe, and also the most tanky class in the game, easy high evasion, with average armor, and es. high hp, and mana before health, because of the attributes. and some of the best aura herald. "GGG" yet not done, but also keep adding better insane staffs for this class.

Ranger with some insane bossing dmg. bleed, crit, poison, ele. easy 100% crit chance. with +1000crit dmg.
evasion dodging 95% of most evaded attacks. and people are mad about they get oneshotted while having 2k life+es on skills that cant be evaded.

Sorc. unplayable character if not running spam arc. or other +50divs builds. litterly unplayable. fire dmg. worse worse of all. as useless as chaos build right now. cold, only comet skill has good dps. most sorc skills has cd. which are stupid for swarms/rifts without temporalis. all the nodes are useless, expect for lightning nodes that actually change something, but yet again "arc"...crit is also just impossible for sorc to get 100% unless spending +100 divine. picking all crit nodes from sorc, and almost max out crit on items. the spell skills still around 80-90% crit. with little 300-400 crit dmg. imagine putting nodes on cold or fire passive skill tree, and seeing the skill added 700dps increase.. wow.. wow, meanwhile we have Elon-monks with 500k dps skills. am I wrong? I mean whats the reason +90% of all sorc are stormweavers? chronomancer.. also have a few cool skills. but useless and doesnt make a big change.

Witch. Minions.. waste of time. and sure boring endgame.
If not doing infernal witch... you made a unplayable character.

Warrior... no words.

Last bumped on Jan 10, 2025, 5:13:37 PM
dont worry they will nerf every viable build into the ground while leaving all the unplayable ones just the way they are soon enough ...

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