My thoughts on EA
Okay, so this is probably my last forum post for a while but I just wanted to share some thoughts, praises & concerns.(New to POE btw)
So first of all, the skills are really cool & have great animations. I like the selection we have, although I would've LOVED to have swords so I could do my Guts berserk build but I can wait for a good thing. The campaign is Gas & imo the best part of the EA if you aren't going giga tryhard in endgame. Sekehema Asala is a gem & should be a companion for the whole campaign. The level designs are beautiful & look really nice, a bit too big for me since their size causes a bit of fatigue but They do look really nice & you can see the level of detail put into them. The armors & robes have really cool designs & make some great fashion ideas, I just wish we could have transmogs but I guess that's what MT armors is for. MT armors are waay overpriced for my blood. I get it "They're optional" but man $40 just to look at some gear is not within my blood to purchase, I don't mean to bring up D4 but the MT in this game makes the MT in D4 look reasonable. Buying stash tabs sucks, but I think I've got enough to where I'll never have to buy anymore, so that problems solved. Drop rates are poop. I wish they were like 300% what they were now & MF just being gone entirely. I get it, you can't give players everything but it's early access, We should just be allowed to go crazy with drops, since it won't matter in the next few months. Then when the game drops officially, it can be adjusted during the games life cycle, since it's easier to work from the top to the bottom than vice versa. Ascending kinda sucks lol. The activities are some good ideas, the execution is just too frustrating for me to enjoy them entirely. Don't wanna make this too long winded so I'll summarize my thoughts on end game. Audience with the king should be a guage that fills up on ritual completion & at full, grants an audience. It's current state of RNG is kinda annoying, considering I have yet to get one. Citadels need like a marker or something to pinpoint their location or area they may be in, haven't found one yet. Maps are maps. I don't hate or enjoy them really, I just don't like losing them after 1 death. Also the screen to choose what map you play needs to be zoomed out by like 5x. It takes a while to drag across the screen for the map I wanna play. I still very much enjoy the game. These are just my thoughts on it currently. Still insanely fun. I'm also at 393 hours, so that should say something. p.s. Trading sucks & it's the players' fault for pricing things so absurdly high. A bit less greed guys, it's still just EA. Thank you for reading, stay hydrated & take care. Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 10:49:51 PM