RMT Spam Whispers

Please for the love of god GGG, figure out a way to curb this RMT spam. Every 2 minutes I am getting spam to go to a site to buy a DIV for x amount.
Its horrendous and I dont remember ever seeing this in POE1 but it fills up my chat constantly now.
Last bumped on Feb 15, 2025, 11:10:44 AM
Made a suggestion and got censored for it.
It’s clear who GGG kowtows and works for.
Made a suggestion and got censored for it.
It’s clear who GGG kowtows and works for.

Well who do you think has unlimited amounts of currency to sell moment EA went live?

Its obvious who owns third party sites and why such currency scarcity.
Last edited by Werdx_1#3669 on Jan 9, 2025, 1:11:56 PM
Yea. I am really f&**g tired to report and add to ignore the spammers. I do not think it is hard to slightly adjust the autofilter/autoban for similar messages.

Seems like the amount of RMT spam whispers per day is increasing, very annoying.
I usually get 3 to 4 a session. It is pretty outrageous at this point.
I am getting spam to buy tabs. I just want the map stash tab!
Don't interact with global chat.

Had been online and playing for maybe 15-20 minutes, then decided to answer someone's question.... not even 30 seconds later I got a whisper from a bot advertising a RMT website.

Did not interact with chat any further, got no more whispers.

Yeah, it's a joke that everything we can do, as players, is to not use an in-game chat feature to prevent getting harassed by bots.

I guess some bots probably also use the trade website to see who's online and whisper them too. It would only make sense: people trade items for currency, why not target them to advertise RMT?

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