Zarokh Bug

Zarokh bugged and skipped the phase where you have to pick up his hourglasses. Instead he went straight into the outcome where he one shots you if you fail that phase. You can see him diving into the floor to start the phase at the beginning of the video and going straight into the one shot animation without spawning any hourglasses.

Video of the bug is in the reddit post below.
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2025, 3:51:54 PM
can confirm, not exactly the same but failed by the bugged timer phase twice
Bug Report ID: #1292957198

I took the last 2 orbs with a shield charge that collided with the wall in the hourglass phase and it got stuck there. The boss never appeared again. Zarock influence is at 70
Confirming bug as well. It happened to me as soon as the starter for the mini-game spawned, which I was rolling past at the time. Like your video, this was his second use of it while he was very low (under 10%) health, in case it's breakpoint related.

Bug Report ID: 3,532,395,628
Same thing, Zarokh just one shots before the phase started
Bug Report ID: #800252552
Same just happened here. Was doing great, honour very high, he phased to the "time waits for no one" right as hourglasses were to appear but he simultaneously dinged up in the middle of the floor and my run was over.

Not sure if related or something that happens when you die there, but suddenly my honour read "2,038,356/10,196"
And just read in another thread... I guess if you do too much damage early on without killing him in first phase this happens? And is reproducible. That's a bummer.

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