More privileges to guild officers

Give greater privileges to guild officers. In the sense that the guild leader can nominate his deputy and give him more privileges such as: banning rule-breakers, buying guild stash, etc.
Often there are problems where the guild leader leaves for a while and, for example, stashes have to be bought, guild places have to be bought.... kick a toxic person out of the guild.... This is simply needed and there should be such an option.
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 6:19:05 AM
Yes I agree Officers should be able to promote to at least a member.
Buying guild stuff should be allowed for anyone...
You buy a guild stash tab, it stays on your account. Whenever you join a guild, your tabs get added to the guild stash.
You leave a guild, the stash tab becomes remove only.
Re-join the guild, the tab becomes normal again (add and remove items)
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Feb 17, 2025, 6:19:17 AM

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