Ultimatum Acendancy
How many levels of this BS do I have to do to actually ascend? This was the one thing I never played in POE1 as I couldn't stand it and the rewards were usually junk for me. Also, is there a wiki that tells me what I am supposed to do? I have failed three times due to not completing the trial of which I clearly had no idea what I was supposed to do. I have movement speed but CLEARLY not enough for this stupid trial.
And for heavens sake what is the point of the charm slots if you only get 1? Last bumped on Jan 4, 2025, 7:14:13 PM
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You might want to wait for patches. Alot of crap needs to change.
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Do you really think they are going to change that? I wasn't a huge fan of the POE1 ascendancies but at least I could figure out what to do. I never liked the ultimatum mechanic so I skipped it ... it is really sad that it's the ascendecy mechanic of this version of POE. Are they that uncreative that they had to "reuse" a mechanic.
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I have done it, it is very easy
simply complete 3x 75lvl+ trials, collect keys and then kill boss. fast and easy if you can't do it, - it is skill issue. PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
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What are you talking about? I am in ACT 3 normal, and I wouldn't call the ultimatum "easy" especially as it stacks up for each level you have to complete. and there are so many monsters that all I am doing is running. The other issue is NOT knowing exactly what the objective is.
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For the story one it's pretty straight forward.
1. First trial is always clear the room. 2. Second trial is always survive for 1.something minutes. 3. Either soul cores or follow the statuette. If it's soul cores you need to find the red cores and bring them to the middle were the soul cores slots are. Note that it is good to know were the table is before touching the soul cores as the soul cores stack a debuf on you and spawns mobs closer to your position. Now the only stupid thing is that when you start placing the soul core while the animation runs which is like 3 to 5 seconds something, you cannot move dodge or cancel the animation which makes you vulnerable to any damage. If it's the statuette challenge you just have to sit under the statuette until it reaches the end point while fighting the mobs that spawn. The 3 bosses that you get are that chimera, the bird that bleeds and the infamous stupid design and op crow thing hummanoid that turns itself into a tornado. The chimera is pretty much the same chimera from act 3 except now it doesn't have pillars that you can destroy to stun him. The bird that bleeds just pecks the ground , spawns blood on top of you, and has a bone cage ability that when it bursts inflicts bleed on hit making you stationary, and also spawns some stupid shit mobs that are pointless and sometime despawn random. The crow thing boss is just idiot, fills the arena with stuff, moves fast, and turns into a tornado that goes after you...That boss literally if you stack action hit on it you are just dead on the spot. I won't explain the debuff part of the trial because yea ultimatum is stupid. Now I haven't touched the other ultimatum, but I assume it's the same thing but with stacking debuffs and you are forced to beat all 3 bosses ... P.S the objective is marked with red if you press tab...It says "Follow the statue to x point" , "Survive for x amount", "Clear the room" Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party. Last edited by Vendetta#0327 on Jan 4, 2025, 1:23:32 PM
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" Getting final ascendancy points will be around 100 times harder than second set of points, btw :) |
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Thank you ... that trial was just so freaking confusing. The mechanics of the bosses are almost as difficult to remember as these.
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