The State of POE 2 (In my experience)
The beginning of the game is way too slow for those who try to play different characters, or even in the new leagues if that would be the case. The skill gem systems needs at least one or two sills gems of higher tier to be put in the lower tiers or earlier in the game to make the pacing bearable at the start. PLayers are forced to play this slow boring style of gameplay until around the middle of act 2. Mid game is where the game really shines for me. There aren't many down times and the pack clearing gets a bit faster and way more fun. Item drops are not OK in the state they're in now either. I just think players shouldn't have to use the trade site so much, Like, give us orbs of scouring again so we can have another route to get rid of bad modifiers and have more attempts at getting better gear through crafting. Runes need to be tuned as well. having so many runes and so little use for them kinda feels like portal scrolls and scrolls of wisdom from POE 1 with less utility and more of a waste of space. I think runes should be able to override one another AND players should have the ability to break runes from their armor or weapons, keeping runes as a single-use type of item and makes them less of a waste of space. From the middle of act2 to the end of cruel act 3 was an absolute blast and an amazing experience to play. I don't have a lot of negative experiences in mid game at all as it was the most fun for me. Endgame..... Man do I hate it. Endgame should have 3 portals for those times you die to the most absurd bullshit in the game because, if a player is mapping and they have an event on that map, and they die to the sheer amounts of on death affects or didn't see what was on the ground because there's so much happening. Or even body blocking which they said is fixed, but I still find myself getting cornered by small monsters and pushed half way across the screen into another pack of monsters just to get cornered again, they will lose the ability to engage in that event again until they come across that type of event in another map. This forces players to either skip that map altogether and go around or attempt the same map again with no event. DID I MENTION THESE MAPS HAVE NO BOSSEES UNLESS ITS AN EVENT IN THE MAP? This means players are in these maps just killing packs of monsters with rares to complete a map. This is not fun. I think GGG should put bosses in every map and we kill them to complete the map like in POE 1 or make bosses actually matter in the endgame progression towards pinnacle bosses. What's the point in farming if there's nothing cool to fight but a bunch of boring rare monsters? The progression for the pinnacle bosses is apparently a quest line but with no direction and the utmost RNG. This makes endgame progression very reliant on how lucky you are at finding these citadels to fight the arbiter with only a single blind attempt or if the player was smart they would look it up instead of trying it or playing the game themselves. I haven't personally found any citadels yet, but it doesn't really matter to me as the game doesn't seem to have much substance as it stands right now. I'm hoping GGG sees this and I hope they get it right by the time the game comes out. Endgame is supposed to be where the game really begins and it's not fun.
Last bumped on Jan 5, 2025, 12:57:14 PM
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can you format that stack of pancakes brother?
Eat your vegetables.
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If you can read you don't need a format, respectfully.
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" Just say you don't know how. It's ok lil buddy. Eat your vegetables.
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