Please make ascendancy skills work with weapon sets

Unlike skill gems, ascendancy skills for some reason are missing the weapon set option. Why is that? It not like they are not supposed to work with weapon sets, it just forces the play press the weapon switch key before using their ascendancy skills, which is needlessly painful and actively discourages players from using one of the main aspects introduced in PoE2.
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 5:31:39 PM
I agree with this.
When it comes to skills you get from ascendancies. I see no reason to not be able to lock them with specific weapons sets...

Now I am just trying to build the muscle memory of weapon swap... Cus I can't just set it up LIKE ALL OTHER SKILL GEMS!
It is simply frustrating for no reason at all.
that's an interesting point of view

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