Character delete by Mistake
I log in to the game, immediatly it saids ''do you want to delete your character'' I havent touch anything yet.....i click on cancel it does controller was plugued too but was far from me, The cancel button was already highlighted so I press enter on my keyboard and then bam...without any other notice, my character was delete....I just want a rollback on my character, I worked hard on this character and could be really nice too to include a ''type delete'' or type your character name if you really want to delete your sure im not the only one. Plz Help me
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2025, 10:06:28 AM
Unfortunately, we aren't able to assist with this issue over the forums. Please contact us at so we can look into this with you. Be sure to include your Path of Exile account name (including four-digit discriminator) as well as the names of a few of your characters so that we are best able to look into things with you.