how do you get "Vanquisher's Book of Knowledge V"

I corrupted a waystone to 16, and have gotten all prior books 79/80/81/82 and used them on the nodes up to last 2

and I am doing a boss node with corrupted and irradiated and even with waystone 16 it's still staying at 82? so no books are dropping even with +1 to bosses on the nodes?

any idea what i am missing?

how to get the last boss book?
Last edited by SlightlyNoobish#3405 on Jan 2, 2025, 12:04:09 AM
Last bumped on Jan 11, 2025, 8:33:05 AM
Have you killed the Arbiter already?

His quest should give 2 more.
no I have not, thank you.

can't find this information anywhere, big miss from PoE team

end game needs more instruction polish for new players to poe

what will solve it is a video much like for all the skills but the UI needs to have clear quest goals

quest - boss tree
1) beat 79 boss
2) beat 80 boss
3) beat 81 boss
4) beat 82 boss
5) beat arbiter....

takes 2 seconds to program
Have you killed the Arbiter already?

His quest should give 2 more.

so i watched the kill video, and i see only the Artiber book being dropped, NOT the boss Vanquisher book
looks like nobody knows
Dude read my post.

I said his Quest gives it not the kill
Guys boss difficulty from passive skill tree does not count to bos lvl yes? to get 81 boss skill book i need to kill boss on map irradiated and corrupted (or with waystone tier 16) and last one with all 3 of these stuff?
Dude read my post.

I said his Quest gives it not the kill

first kill is level 79 (tier 15) with no mods

then you use the book and do next level so

79 + 1 irradiated or corrupted (tier 15) AND + 1 from the boss tree. you HAVE to invest points

79 + 1 irradiated + 1 corrupted (tier 15) AND + 2 from boss tree

79 + 1 irradiated + 1 corrupted + tier 16 corrupted waystone AND + 3 from boss tree

then apparently you kill the final guy or something, i can't find any temples so i m stuck at this step

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