Auction House

Can we move the trade system into the game like the currency exchange?

- Each premium stash tab set to public can fill an auction house. The auction house would have the same search functions. When something is purchased the currency is placed in the spot the item came from. When you log in you can check your tab you can move the currency into the currency tab. Or automate that- you get a notice that an item sold and "x" amount of orbs are now in your currency tab.

Players would not have worry about a whisper while 1/2 through a map...

Last bumped on Jan 2, 2025, 5:41:19 PM
Players would not have worry about a whisper while 1/2 through a map...

As if they worry at all...whispering for hours to get no response.

But yea, totally onboard with AH like you described, game would gain sooooo much from this, but why make even a good experience in a game right?

They can totally do it, very easly, but their stupid pride prevents that, thinking they are "above" criticism thinking they know better.
Totally agree.

I remember when playing PoE1 you're able to use an in-game store where you can trade with other players. Simply put in your request and the player on the other end will either accept or deny whenever they are online or whenever they sign on again. So yes, it's practically mandatory at this point that they need to have an in-game auction house for PoE2.

Having to go to a secondary device, whether it's your phone or a PC, feels absolutely immersion breaking, it just feels off putting. If I'm playing a game, I want to stay in the game.

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