Please, remove the delirium fog. It is insanely annoying for farming.

Once you enter the end game, you have to alerdy do thousand of small step to have a tiny chance of gettings waystone of your level. One of those step, is to ALWAYS put delirium's ire in your map. Which work great! Thanks to it, i get a decent amount of stuff to sells, and since then, i always get waystone of my level!

But, holy hell is this annoying. Playing EVERY. SINGLE. MAP. with a permanent thicc grey fog? This is even worse than POE1. I'm fine with the screen being grey... a little. But the fog is so horrible.

Please, give us an option to turn it off.
Last bumped on Jan 6, 2025, 2:00:50 PM
If the game don't suck at times, player retention is lower. That's how they think.

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